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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Good choice with the ladder Bob, I wonder why they would suggest that, makes no sense
  2. Looking good Bob, I'm a ca fan also. When treated right it can be your friend, just remember when you glue your finger down(and we all do) do not try to pull it off but always twist it off.
  3. Your mortars look real good in place. Do you have any idea how the real thing would have been raised and held in place? Looks like they would have been fairly heavy to just grab onto and lift.
  4. Hi Al, the spindles and rail look nice and some good ideas with your explanations. I bought some of these spindles also sometime ago when they were on sale and have found no use for them until now, I just need to buy a Ragusian Carrack kit now
  5. That is one beautiful ship, hopefully she'll be on the shelf by next spring, although Christmas would be awesome. What scale is the Prince?
  6. Your build is looking good,nice work on gunport lids. Eyebolt method is defiantly a keeper.
  7. Thanks Mike, if you can put the blame on someone else you tend to feel better about yourself
  8. I fell behind a little on your log Mark, as usual it is awesome . I like your idea of the gangways, they should look good, looking forward to the installation day.
  9. Hey Zoltan, Thanks. Since this morning I've done three coats of blue on port side and one coat of blue on starboard. It's looking like at least two more coats of blue on each side and then probably a couple of coats of grey. Good part about all of this is the little naps in between coats of paint
  10. You are making progress, take your time and enjoy. Not many of us like sanding, however, it is a necessity in this hobby. A good little trick is to cut the planks a little long then you can square them up and get them to proper length by sanding. The most important thing is to have fun and if you run into problems don't be afraid of asking for help.
  11. Hi Glenn, your Vanguard is looking real good, I like your attitude of building it to suit yourself and not so much of the historical side of it. Great work and looking forward to more
  12. Hi Dave, I finally got a stroke of luck with the wale and it turned out good now with a few coats of paint and the proper photography it should hardly be noticed . By the way sweet work on your AVS
  13. Hey Ian, how was the holiday? Your Brazzera will be real similar in many ways, she will be a fun build. These last few planks took a lot of bending, edge bending and surface bending but she finally came together with no major problems other than self inflicted ones
  14. Hi Bob, Thanks for dropping and for your compliment. It took a little bit of experimenting with the blue but I'm happy with the colours.
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