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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. I hate to be the one to say anything, but as far as I know that is not a good way of planking and have never seen it done or even read about it. Is this supposed to help to edge bend the plank? Being that this just the first planking and those notches can be filled in it should be ok. As far as future use of this method I would certainly not be using it. Sorry my friend
  2. It's the first layer only, it'll all come together. It's just a matter of enjoying what you are doing and things will work out. When things start going south go and have a cool one and relax. Sometimes I think I cause problems just in order to have an excuse to quit and have a cool one or two
  3. I agree with Ian, simply beautiful. Are these boats still being made? The one in the picture looks like it is relatively new as it is in such excellent condition. Looks like everyone on deck is working so I probably would never sail on one, however, put a lounge chair and a cooler of beer on deck and I'm in
  4. Thanks B.E., it's a real honour having you stop by. I must apologise, I have taken one of your little tricks without permission, that is the wrapping of the soon to be removed bulkhead extensions with double sided tape before gluing the strakes on. I will take any corporal punishment that is required for this infraction.
  5. I would say to make yourself up a test and see if it does take stain a/o poly the same as Elmers. I would be interested to see how it works in comparison. You may have a new product for us, and please show us the results
  6. Wow Ian she looks great, I really like that matt black and the pear floor is sweet . Nice work!
  7. Looking great Dave. I think you'll find that your old sander will soon be shelved, the Byrnes one is just awesome. I just finished sanding down a 15/16" x 6" x 12" piece of cherry down to 3/4" thickness and she didn't even grunt
  8. Hey Al, the rails look top notch. Nothing wrong with doing it that way, I mean you don't build a frame around a picture you build the frame and put picture in it. You have some nice tight mitres there, looking forward to more and especially to your tutorial on using linseed oil
  9. Hi Mike, Thanks for your kind words and encouragement, the light wood on the deck was a bit of an experiment. If you look close you will see some narrow strips down the middle and again framing the main room those are maple, the rest is basswood. Not much difference in looks in the pictures but the maple does finish much nicer. Thanks for the links to your log I was just going through your log to plan my next steps so this really helps me out. I think those supports are a real good plan and I will be doing something similar on mine. The bitts I have heard you and Spyglass talk about and I am still trying to wrap my head around that, a little more studying and hopefully the light will come on. Thanks Again much appreciated
  10. Thanks Mike, I'm with you and the wood colouring. I'm not sure what I was doing staining that beautiful wood but I'm much happier now.
  11. Thanks Paul, I agree with you about the planking I prefer the dark colours versus the light also. From what I have read here at MSW the light coloured decks are more historically correct and that is what everyone is trying to portray. If you want, though, I'll follow along with you and do dark coloured decks even though it may jeopardise our membership here . As for the bulkheads again it was probably a waste of time as I am sure not many of them will be seen through the hatches but I started painting a few and just kept going. I even went so far as to give them a coat of poly. I think what it all amounts to is me stalling before all the hard stuff starts to come.
  12. Wow, that is real good news. Not so surprising though as these kits are awesome. Will be looking forward to seeing more on this
  13. Hey Chris, Thanks for stopping by haven't heard from you or the Endeavour for awhile. It's been a little slow around my workshop too lately
  14. Hi Al, man she is looking real good. I am surprised at all the little details that she has, you are doing a great job. What plans do you have for a finish?
  15. Thanks Ian, the next part of the planking is going to be interesting as that`s where the scuppers are and that fancy bow
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