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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. I agree with what Robin has said. That would have been a nice book to have during my build, that picture looks great also
  2. Looking good E.J., I see you are leaving the rest of the bowsprit rigging until later( chocks, blocks etc.). I'm really interested to see how the bowsprit mast is rigged to everything else.
  3. Welcome Bob, enjoy yourself here at this great forum. Please start a build log we would love to follow along and help out out if need be.
  4. I didn't see Brian's when I started this, 1.333 is from dividing 64 by 48 = 1.333 so everything has to be increased by this amount
  5. Hi Bill, please don't start cutting wood with my calculations until verified : 1/16 x 3/16 @ 1:48 = 5/64 x 1/4 or .081 x .243
  6. MarisStella, one of our sponsors has a kit of this boat. Their kits are of exceptional quality and lots of fun to build. Their site can be found on the homepage
  7. Looks pretty cool E.J., I sure would have hated being the guy that had to go out there. Those sailors must have been part monkey back then
  8. That's ok Bob, it's the weekend relax, sit back and have a couple of refreshments
  9. Hi Bob, This is a first for me also,double planked deck, would be a lot easier sanding had it been a softer wood but the walnut does give much more strength. Another one of MarisStella's excellent additions to their kit designs.
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