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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Although I am not sure what demarcation means( I will look it up real soon ). Your planking looks great, it seems like you have a nice smooth surface for the next layer and that is exactly what you want. Good work. Ok, I just looked it up and yes I agree the demarcation looks fine.
  2. Hey Marcus, painting hulls and doing the "fill, sand, prime" thing several times gets a little monotonous but it looks like you have it cased
  3. I'll agree with all others about the kit being a nice one, but your workmanship is ultra fine. Very cool Bob
  4. When you say DVD do you mean like Bob's(lauckstreet) Lady Nelson? That one shows him in real life building the boat, I have that one but have not built the boat as of yet. When I do I doubt I would use the dvd as I now don't think I would need it. I have watched only the planking part of it so far and it seems fairly good and could really help someone on their first build. I used his practicum for my very first build the Armed Virginia Sloop and thought it was incredible. Since then I found this great site and have not needed to use his practicums( I bought all of them). If you are the kind who is a little shy and do not like to ask what seem like dumb questions, they never are, then I would suggest buying some sort of practicum and the AVS is a good one. But really by coming to this site you have entered the "University of Modelling" and have some of the best professors at your disposal.
  5. That's a lot of piddly work but seeing what was supplied this is time well spent. It will look much better. Are you planning on using a pounce wheel on them also?
  6. Good to see you back at it Frank, looks like an interesting build and knowing you there will be some tricks up your sleeve. I'd be more than happy to follow along
  7. Thanks guys, it always helps being here on MSW and getting comments like this. I will work towards the natural wood look, after all it is wood and can be manipulated Take Care and Thanks Again
  8. That looks sweet Ian. How is teak to work with? I have never tried it for anything, it sure looks good
  9. That is a Great link Bob. Thanks so much. I'll be talking to you when I need anymore research done .
  10. I agree Mike the wood is beautiful and I am no fan of painting. I am just a little worried abut the funky little planks at the bow and stern I had to install, however, we are our own worst critics and maybe it won't be as bad as I think. Thanks for stopping by
  11. I have heard of people here using ca for gluing dissimilar materials, and apparently have had good luck with it. I am not sure if it is as strong as epoxy would be though. I am guessing a medium or thick ca. If it helps, I found some five minute epoxy in the syringe type container at a local dollar store (Dollarama) for $1.25. It still has the same problems you are talking about but at this price the waste does not hurt as much .
  12. Here is the start of the build: Pieces for the keel have been removed from billet and laying on plans. Notice how exact the plans are Squaring of bulkheads, some very minor adjustments were required. Unlike other kits MarrisSella's bulkheads are not glued in place at this time. They are a tight fit, so are tapped into place and left at this point. Installation of mast steps Here all bulkheads have been fitted and installed, no glue yet. The support dowels have been slid into place, there is a total of eight 14 mm walnut dowels. As far as I know this system is unique to MarrisStella, it adds considerable strentgth to the frame and also helps to properly align the bulkheads. Another check on the alignment of the bulkheads and glue will be brushed on to all joints. You may have noticed in the pictures the cloudy skies , well they since have parted and the sun is starting to shine so that means the shipyard will have to close down . See You All Later
  13. John: that sauce sounds awesome, will defiantly try that out. I love horseradish so this will be right up my alley. What kind of mustard? Rick: good to hear from you it's been a long time, how is that Pickle doing? These guys and their kits are great only problems so far are self imposed ones
  14. This is a very small update just to let you all know I am still working on her. The planking is still going on. I have, as usual, created problems for myself that I am paying for with each strake. The problem being that I am too smart to line off or measure, something like that road map in the glove box we never used (remember them?). Anyways after realising my error I am now paying for it and have since started to measure and line off. I am confidant that things will be alright only thing is leaving it natural is probably not going to happen. In the pictures she only has the first sanding and scraping done and she has some minor gaps to deal with. Nest up is a couple garboard strakes. Have a Good One
  15. Beautiful decking Mike, would it be possible to show how those clamps work? Maybe it's too early and I need more coffee but I just can't picture how they operate.
  16. John: I have never built a Mamoli or Mantua kit so I am unable to compare in that regards. This particular kit comes with a 36 page book of instructions which are easy to understand but it is really the plans that shine. The plans are very exact and are loaded with information, they include scale drawings and exploded views which are very helpful. The exploded views are marked as to what scale they are which is also an asset. Unlike other plans I have seen using these ones you can have every bit of confidence that by taking a measurement or laying a piece on them it is going to be correct. It is my opinion that with this build and the Trabaccolo the plans and instructions won't be the problem, it'll be me causing the problems. As for the sails I'm not sure yet what am doing I'm thinking probably furled we'll see as there is 34 of them Now for the important stuff, I agree with the dry rub, however I've never seen a white BBQ sauce or heard of Groisch. If you could bring these items you'll get a front row recliner beside Mike
  17. Hi Rudolf, Thanks for stopping by. I'm sorry I can't help with the flag I have no idea as to it's origin. From what little I have read about her home port was Rijeka. Hopefully Zoran or someone else can help further.
  18. Hey Chris, well it's almost bedtime here but you got me laughing so much not so sure I can sleep. I agree about the disease, I really do have to quit someday.............maybe......nah. Not to worry about bringing a bbq I have one and if the hat comes my way I'll be sure to donate to the cause. If you wouldn't mind bringing an Aussie beer though, I've never tasted one, steaks will be on me .
  19. Hi Ian, I love these MarisStella kits they are always such good quality. Dusek has some nice kits I believe there is a viking one being built by Jack Aubry( I think this is his name) it looks very good. I don't think you would go wrong with one of his kits. MarisStella has no viking ship but they do have one called Saint Jerome which looks real cool also there is another called the Liburnian Monoreme both of these have oars and of course both are on my list . The Saint Jerome has guns and is real colourful, I think it would be a great kit to use some different woods with. The Libunian Monoreme is a lot older and has no guns but has a real different shape to it. Give me a pm if you want more info., always happy to help out.
  20. ohhhh Mike that sounds good, you just earned yourself front row with recliner
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