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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Thanks Lawrence, hope your holiday was good and you are all rested up and ready to get back at your great build
  2. Hi Zoltan, I tried something similar to that but I just could not get it to work with the .5mm thick planks. Worked real good with the 1.5 mm thick planks though.
  3. Hey E.J. thanks for the compliment. Hoping the snow melts this week, I still need to put away lots of summer stuff. If you need any potatoes I still have lots in the garden.
  4. Frank: Thanks so much for stopping in Ian: Thanks Ian, I tried to edge bend the .5 mm planks but all they did was want to kink just too thin so spiling was the next option. Not hard but a little time consuming and my scroll saw is in the garage which meant actually getting up and getting some exercise walking outside
  5. These are showing her with the wales complete and with two coats of paint. Probably three more coats of paint and some touch ups on the hull and I will be able to finally start the planking of the deck and all it's furniture. Take Care
  6. Normally waking up to this would have made me sick......but now I am retired so what this means now is more boat building . I am fairly sure yard work is done for the season so the shipyard will be in full swing now, hopefully. I have been fairly busy working on the Trabaccolo although what I have to show does not really show it. I have installed all the wales on both sides and have now started to paint the lower ones. The wales were two strakes of 1.5 x 5 mm(grey) and then 3 strakes of .5 x 5 mm(blue). The first two strakes of 1.5 mm went on with little problems, the .5 mm strakes required me to do some spiling at the stern and some minor tapering at the bow on the last strake. The procedure for spiling was to apply tape on top of last strake, trace outline on tape, apply tape to card stock and cut out, then trace outline on veneer and cut with scroll saw. Tape was added to veneer to prevent splintering. I trimmed excess using drum sander on mill, the use of the clip is very helpful when sanding .5 mm stock, it helps prevent it from bending and twisting. Final shaping was done by hand. There was a total of six spiled planks
  7. Oh really!!!!! I did not see that. Sorry for misleading you. I will check my credit card and may have to cancel
  8. You will have fun with that one Robin, If you are interested there is a new book in the Anatomy Of The Ship series called "The Athenian Trireme" coming out real soon, I have mine or order. Check out Amazon if you wish
  9. Pin rails look good, I think I would consider pins in the bottom of the posts also. As for your sheave problem I would go to the Sherline site get a lathe and make my own ......Christmas is coming!!
  10. I agree with John, although, flipping a coin is a scientific approach too
  11. Yup she would have been some crowded on that deck, your pins look fine to me. As you showed in your previous post keeping them separate no one will know. All is good.
  12. I seen that but wasn't paying attention , sorry about that. Your photography is excellent
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