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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. You are getting the right idea with fairing it still needs more to get a smoother lie of your planks. I'm not sure what you are using to sand with but it looks like maybe a dremel. It is best to smooth it down now with a sanding stick of some sort. I use a paint stirring stick with sandpaper attached to it. You need something that is going to reach across at least two or three bulkheads. When you think you are finished lay a plank on the bulkheads and be sure it lays flat on all bulkheads, test in several different positions. I agree with Rick about the filler block at stern, I would also do the bow. Check my log on the Trabakul in my signature it shows bow and stern filler blocks. It may work for some builds but on this one you will have to install the stem post(21), keel(22) and rudder post(23) as your bulwark strips(19 & 20) fit into the slot in the stem post. Take your time with the fairing as it is very important and will affect your build throughout it's entirety.
  2. Hi John, she is looking good. I use a combination of weldbond and medium ca. I'll put the weldbond(white glue) on the edges then dots of medium ca and white glue on the surface. Doing this requires less clamping, and I have always had good results.
  3. My first wish, and off topic, would be to have the ability to push the like button more than once!! As I think Brian has said it all perfectly. Speaking for myself and answering the questions the name and country of origin have no consequence as to whether I buy or not. The material in the kit is not that big of a factor either as I have the ability to make my own and if not (such as blocks) it can be readily ordered. I am not saying to send me a box of crap but am saying if I want to change it I can make that decision, leaving it to the dealer to send the best economic material available. Price is not a factor either, if I like what the dealer has made I will find a way of buying it. The time it takes to finish a build is also irrelevant to me, as this is something I usually have. In saying all of this I know I have been of no help thus far but here is where I sit. Currently I have thirteen kits on my shelve ranging in price from $200-$1100 and have two more on the way as we speak. The reasons for buying these range from looks to price to "I just have to have that". This, hoarding, has not been mentioned here yet but I am pretty sure I am not alone here. With years of builds ahead of me I am still looking for more, are we all not? Today's thought of my next buy is something not so complex, meaning no rigging,minimal planking etc. I would be looking for something that could be used as a diversion from a more complex kit that is being worked on. It would be a quality kit that could be put aside for weeks maybe and be picked up again without having to re-study everything for hours before resuming. The price is again not really relative, not that I am wealthy, if I like it and is what I am looking for I will buy it. I'm not sure if any of this will help, it is just a little insight as to what my circumstances currently are.
  4. Hi David; it appears we are leading similar lives when it comes to yard work and modelling. It is not like this hobby has enough repetitive tasks that we need to cause more for ourselves. I'm attributing my sudden lack of skill and enthusiasm to the time of year and all the tasks I have created for myself, my mind is simply unable to focus on any one thing. Following in your mindset I also have been promising myself next week will be better, it has been almost three weeks now for me. I too have nothing to report but every week I look forward to next week and the possibility of some progress happening . Take care and please send your wife Nancy my congratulations on her retirement.
  5. Those look really good, I am looking forward to seeing your full presentation.
  6. Very very Impressive. She is going to be a monster. What will it measure when complete?
  7. Very unique Chuck. I see what you mean about the waste especially with pear or boxwood. A thought came to me though, if one was to order the pear or boxwood kit could we then send the scraps back to you and have some nice blocks made
  8. Hello B.E.: Thanks ever so much for stopping by and checking out my build. She is really an interesting model and has been very enjoyable so far. I am looking forward to completing the filler blocks and starting the planking hopefully not to far in the future. The next couple of days I have some work to complete outside, that I brought on myself, then I`ll be devoting more time to shipbuilding.
  9. Hi Mike: It is good to see you back at your Pegasus again. Thanks for your comments. As for the wood there is lime, walnut and oak. The reason the bulkheads are hollowed is to allow the finishing off of the interior. As for the strength this model is incredibly strong there is all kinds of bracing to add to the strength and the interior planking adds even more. She is a very well thought out kit, the only problems I have encountered are ones I created myself.
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