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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. Welcome to MSW Miles! Good to have you with us and I'm sure that you will find us a great community to help you get through those challenging moments in the builds as well as some of those same moments in life. Best of luck to you and I look forward to seeing your work!
  2. Welcome back to MSW Sterling! Best of luck to you on your search for the Glory of the Seas. I hope you can find those plans and I look forward to watching you bring her to life!
  3. Thank you all for the kind comments and the likes! I do plan on putting her in a case when done. I am working on a design for a new curio cabinet that will have her center stage but also allow display around her for the Admiral's collections also. Don, funny you should mention that as I have just came from that particular shelving unit and am in fact enjoying a nice beverage while I catch up on the goings on in MSW. May have to pour another when I slide over to the work bench to continue S.R..
  4. I've run into the same problem of the blocks supplied with the kit being too large for the canons. I have bought some smaller ones through Syren that I intend to use on S.R. but on on other builds I have left the larger ones and while I know and a lot of people on here know they are not quite right, my main audience of friends and family are just impressed that I rigged all of those blocks! As already stated, once everything else is in place there will be so much to look at that they will hardly be noticed. By the way, your rigging on the canons as well as the canons themselves look fantastic!
  5. Great fix. Had you not shown us the whoops, we never would have known it was damaged. Looks like you are back on track and moving along again!
  6. Great start on your deck planking! I like the use of the mahogany for the edges. Really makes them pop out at you and adds a little something extra.
  7. Ratlines and stays on the main top mast have been completed! This finishes the last of the large mast sections. I plan on working on S.R. for a while and advance the planking some more on it but, when I return I think a bigger push will be in order. I plan on building the mizzen top mast as well as the fore and main top gallants and all the flag staffs. There is not much rigging needed for them and as there are no more platforms to build the construction of those masts should be relatively simple. Plus, that will finish up mast construction and then I can start on the yards! I must admit that with every new line I rig I tend to spend more and more time just sitting back and looking at her and I am getting more and more excited about seeing the finished ship. Still months away but it is much closer to the finish than the start!
  8. Congratulations Elijah!! That is a great feeling when you complete a build. I am looking forward to seeing your pictures as well as what you do with your next build!
  9. That is awesome! I try not to think of it as being immature but instead maintaining childlike happiness and wonder at the world around me.... 😂😀 Of course I am currently rolling around on the floor with my puppy and trying to type this on my phone so maybe the Admirals are on to something.... 😜 Im glad I could bring laughter into your build. It is always a good relief as I know I sometimes find myself stressing a little too much when building. Good to relax!
  10. Shrouds and ratlines have taken over this weekend! While I didn't quite get them all done, I made a very good dent and should probably be done with one or two more hours of work. I am also rather please to say that I even built the shroud pairs correctly this time! So, I hope to finish up the ratlines later this week and then rig the stays. I am ready to be done with ratlines!!!!
  11. Excellent as always and very life like especially in that last picture. Looks just like you were standing on the deck looking up at it.... Nice detail catch there. I never noticed them myself till you pointed it out. Just something more to make your model truly incredible!
  12. Great information Marc! Be sure to thank Michel Saunier for me and all of us in your next correspondence. I do hope that one day all of this research gets published in a book for the benefit of us all. These 17th century ships while famous and admired by all really do lack a lot of information. Even the Vasa being physically present where she can be studied still leaves a lot of blanks to be guessed in. I do hope that more people with the knowledge and expertise to do so, find a way to discover and publish their findings so we can learn more about these great ships.
  13. It looks like it is made for a steeper climb. Maybe a "stock" design for the ladders to the upper decks which are more vertical in design than where this one is placed.
  14. Your welcome for the support and thank you for this wealth of information about S.R.! It has been invaluable to me for my own build and as there are not too many others building this ship right now on MSW, it is good to have another person to bounce ideas off of.
  15. I second Mark on this and say go for it! I would be willing to bet that you will be fine tuning this build until the moment you put her up in the case for display so you might as well get started with the next phase. Seriously, your drawings are looking good and I think having them on the computer will help you make those fine adjustments that is hard to do on paper.
  16. All these little components are coming together nicely and are gradually making bigger and really nice cabins. Looking forward to seeing them all in place aboard your Thermopylae as they are really going to bring her to life. Excellent work!
  17. I try not to think of how much work I still have left to do overall as it can become rather frustrating. Instead, I try to keep a close up view and stick with small goals. Complete a mast and a top, finish rigging a set of shrouds and ratlines, things like that. Mini goals make me feel like I am accomplishing something as I cross them off.
  18. Popeye, right now the ship is around 34 inches long and I believe her finished length will be close to 44 inches. This has been the first ship that when I am planking I either have to shift the ship left and right in order to plank both ends or roll my chair back and forth! All of my previous ones I could just angle differently for the ends. Her size is admittedly taking some adjusting and getting used to. It will be nice though later for the detail work. I keep thinking that many ships are built in 1:48 scale. My S.R. is 1:77 which is already quite big. In order to build a 1:48 scale version of her, she would about 59.5 inches long or just short of 5 feet! I am 5-11 so I would be only about 1 foot taller than the model if we were laid side by side. Now that is a crazy thought that now I actually kind of want to try out... Yes, she will be double planked as well. The nice thing with that is while yes, I do have to plank this large hull twice, the second time is usually much simpler as the hull shape is made and I just have to keep the planking in alignment. Still, lots of work and lots of hours. I rather enjoy it though so no problem there.
  19. Main top mast is built and in place! With that I have also completed the last top for this ship. As neat as those round tops are in appearance, they are a pain to make. Next build session will start the shroud rigging which means that nothing exciting will be seen for a few days but with the weekend coming up I may get lucky and get in some longer build hours and get it done. Afterwards the stays will go up and surprisingly the stays for the main top mast are quite simple when compared to the ones on the fore top mast. In looking ahead the rigging is fairly straight forward for a while until I get to the top gallants and the lifts for some of the yards. Then the crows feet come back. The more I read about them and experience trying to rig them, the more I understand why they vanished relatively fast in favor of much simpler rigging. I would not have wanted to be the sailors tasked with trying to repair one of them while at sea. Ok, enough chat for now, enjoy the pictures!
  20. Time consuming but not impossible... I think that should be the theme for model ship building! The knee looks good. All those custom parts will improve the overall look and it will make you feel good just knowing you did all that work.
  21. She truly is an incredible build! I would love to build one that size but that may still be a while down the road. Till then, I will enjoy yours!
  22. Welcome to MSW!! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your tips for working with copper as new ideas are always welcome. Your Egyptian boat builds also sound very interesting as they are outside the normal builds that we see everyday. Best of luck to you and I look forward to seeing pictures of your work!
  23. Welcome back to MSW Michel! Best of luck to you on your Beagle build. I look forward to seeing it!
  24. She sure is looking good. I'm enjoying seeing all the color on her. Very sharp!
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