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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. First off, well done on that stage coach! Beautiful model! I would caution using that warped keel. One of my current builds had that issue and while I did manage to get it squared up and what I thought was straightened with the bulkheads, I quickly found out was not as well fixed as I was hoping for. While I have still been able to make a very nice model, the bend is noticeable and has caused issues throughout the build. If it is not too much of a hassle, it may be worth buying a small piece of plywood to cut out a new keel. Which ever you decide, I am looking forward to the journey on your build!
  2. Welcome to MSW Glenn! Good to to have you with us and out of the shadows. As you already know about the great people and information this site has to offer I will skip right over to wishing you the best of luck on your new build and I am looking forward to seeing your build log! Would love to see some pictures of your past builds as well.
  3. Smart plan doing some of those fiddly bits when you have breaks in major construction. Nice to have them ready to go when you get to that stage. Carriages and gun ports are shaping up nicely. All that work will pay off big for you when you close her up as everything will be nice and secure and located where it needs to be. Nothing worse than finding out the gun ports are misaligned! Looking good, keep it up!
  4. Welcome to MSW Jim!! Good to have you with us! Whichever model you decide to start with we will be right here ready to help you out with answers and tips to make it an enjoyable experience. Good luck!
  5. Sometimes it is good to take a break from a build to either work on another or do something else entirely. I have two builds going myself as well as other fun projects to help with preventing burn out. It also keeps the eyes fresh when looking at a ship. We can easily get tunnel vision if we don't step back occasionally. Take your time and we will be here when you get back to it!
  6. Would love to see pictures of your other ships! Sounds like you are already familiar and comfortable with scratch building and kit bashing so I am looking forward to seeing what you do with this kit. Got my seat early and ready to watch!
  7. Welcome to MSW Hugh! Sounds like you have a nice project ahead of you. I will have to keep my eye out for your build log. Best of luck on your build!
  8. Welcome to MSW! We are glad to have you with us. Best of luck to you on your builds!
  9. Looks like the wait was worth it as you have done an excellent job! Your rigging looks very clean and neat. I would want to take closeups of it too! Won't be long now and you will get to start all over on the next one with a lot of knowledge and experience gained.
  10. That windlass is fantastic! Thanks for sharing the tip you learned with the squared nail. Might have to use that one myself next time.
  11. Improvising is a common theme in model ship building. When the improvised parts turn out better than the ones they replaced, well that is a great bonus!
  12. Don't stop!! She is looking way to good to stop updating! I'm waiting to see the rest as you are building a beautiful ship.
  13. Welcome to MSW Kiran! Glad to have you with us! You will definitely learn a lot here which will make your own building experiences that much more enjoyable. I look forward to seeing some of your work!
  14. I think of myself as more of a preservationist. Saving items of interest for future generations to enjoy.
  15. That is more of what I was thinking. They would have a white or clear film or glass on them and the light would be typical candle/torch light which would be amber. I figured the red glass has probably evolved over the years due to the fact that we now put red lights on the back of any moving object and the designers of kits just think that way.
  16. That model was my first ship that I built. It is a great kit with well written instructions and excellent detail. Just building it out of the box will give you a beautiful model and something to be proud of. It is a BIG project though and not just in physical size, which is also considerable. For the first time out it can become over whelming quickly with all the repetitive parts and the amount of rigging. Still, many of us have done this kit and will be glad to keep offering guidance and encouragement to see you through to the end. I wish you the best of luck and I will keep my eye out for your build log.
  17. Well done! I really like your figures too. They add even more life to an already "lively" ship. The details and weathering really bring this model together.
  18. I have scribed planks before on a deck but not a hull. The hardest part I had was keeping them straight. It didn't take much for the blade to catch a different grain and wonder off in an unwanted direction. In the end it came out quite nice and I do think it would be a great solution to planking at such a small scale.
  19. Good thinking, no matter the source of the idea! I think that will look real good. Stretched thin the way it is does resemble a Chinese paper lantern in terms of the texture and framework. Are you going to leave the sock white or color it red? Most of the lanterns I have seen in pictures seem to show them red but I wonder if that would have been accurate or if they would have been white or clear? The ones supplied with mine are red and while I am thinking about building my own lantern frames to make them look better (if I can), I had planned on using the red lens to put back inside. What do you think?
  20. If you are wanting to stick with paint, I would recommend getting an airbrush. You can apply the paint more evenly and in thinner layers than with a brush. You can also mix your paints and thin them down to make them look more like a natural wood finish.
  21. Very nice looking. I usually only fully rig the canons that are visible myself. The others I might fake a few lines like the breech rope so that when viewed through the port "rigging" can be glimpsed.
  22. Welcome to MSW Jesse from another former Navy sailor. Good to have you with us and I look forward to seeing your Eagle scratch build.
  23. Now she looks like a proper frigate! Hope all is well and getting better for your Admiral.
  24. Don;t worry about rushing to please us. We will be here when you are ready. It is good to hear you taking your time and fitting pieces before gluing to ensure proper fit. Patience is the most valuable skill a modeler can have. I too have found myself drawn deeper and deeper into reading, watching and learning fascinating new things or even revisiting the same picture 100 times over. This place has so much useful information and great people with educational logs, questions and answers that it is easy to to go in looking for one things and when you finally surface realize that you have not found hat you started looking for but have learned 20 new things instead! Great update, looking forward to the next!
  25. Welcome to MSW George! I hope you find this hobby as fun and interesting as your other ones. We will be more than happy to help you out to get you through the build and teach you the new skills you will need. Best of luck to you and I look forward to seeing your work!
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