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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. I think most of us are guilty of the messy work table. I think that is one of the blessings of a build log is that I try to clean up the area for pictures so the more I update, the more I can keep things clean. It isn't fool proof as some of my pictures show but it does help a lot!
  2. I second that, excellent carvings! I really like that railing also as well as seeing her name across the stern. Well done!
  3. I agree! It is one that is on my list of ships that I am building showing the evolution of French Ships of the Line. I will be keeping my eye out for that one!
  4. Hi Mike. Just read through your log and must say that you are braver than I am tackling a fully framed scratch build on the first try. I do want to build one myself one day so I think I will join you on your journey and see if I can learn something too. Your work is looking good and there is nothing wrong with a slow pace. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your build as you progress.
  5. Those oars came out very nice. I too was expecting to have two different lengths of oars but now that you explained it that makes sense. Looking forward to seeing them on board and ready for use.
  6. Logged in a few more hours in the ship yard today and the shrouds have started. As this is going to be a long process with each pair taking me about an hour to do, I figured I would give some smaller updates along the way instead of waiting till I was done. So without any further ado, here is the picture!
  7. It is always amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference.
  8. Planking is one of the more trying aspects of model ship building especially the first couple of times around. Honestly you did fine and since you will have copper plating to cover the vast majority a lot of those not so great parts won't be seen. Well done and even more so that you stuck it out. That is one of the main ways people lose interest in the hobby is when they begin to see just how hard and frustrating planking can be. The main thing is that hopefully now after experiencing planking and how the shape of the hull acts on the alignment of each strake you will begin to understand the different techniques and methods that are used to make better planking jobs on future builds. To me this is one of those things that is easier to understand after you see it on a model than on paper diagrams and words. Most wood glues and CA glues will bond to the wood filler without any problem. I have not yet had an issue with it and there is a considerable amount in between the planking layers on my build. Again, well done Hervie! You are now over one of the big hurdles so relax, regroup and keep on doing what you are doing and you will end up with a nice model to be proud of.
  9. I was expecting something a little bigger... Very cool. Thanks for sharing that with us.
  10. With a little actual blood, sweat and tears, (after stabbing myself in the finger with a hobby knife last night), I managed to get in several hours to work on the foremast. Got all the blocks installed, deadeyes for the foretopmast set and the mast has been stepped into position and is now ready for shrouds. I think I am going to get some free time Sunday to do more work so I am hoping to get a good start on the shrouds. I need to do a little more research though and make sure I have all the blocks and eyebolts on the deck under them before they get in the way. I think I may be missing a couple at the base of the mast. I can always install them later if I do miss something but it is nice right now with no rigging in the way.
  11. Your getting there! I see a very nice collection of oars ready to start rowing your ship out to sea.
  12. Another update and she grows a little more. Always interesting to see what parts you get each month.
  13. That is going to be a very nice shop and what a view! Great things will happen in there!
  14. May not be a very exciting phase of construction but it is a vital one. I've told my boss that I would let him have one of my models if he would let me work on it while I was at work. He told me that I could as long as I was done with all my actual work. Unfortunately, my actual work never stops.... I really need a clone...
  15. Incredible work Don! I love all the small details you put in there and working hinges also! Nicely done. That kind of work more than makes up for you putting off the important deck work....
  16. No, you were not seeing things. The pucture was posted sideways and since I was trying to post from my phone I couldn't edit it to rotate it correctly. I switched over to my computer and fixed it but I accidently deleted the entire post in my hurry so the same post ended up under yours. Or maybe you are seeing things.... we may never know...
  17. Got in a little time tonight to continue my work on the fore top. Building the supports for the upper rail now. I did notice that I had not posted my other work that I had done with the lower rail so I figured I could do a quick update. Although time will still be limited over the next few weeks, I am hopeful that I can get an hour in here and there.
  18. Thanks Robin! I don't know if anyone is more anxious to see me return to building than I am but on the plus side, when I do sit down I will have the itch big time and good things tend to happen then. Plus, the move means that I get the new ship yard which means I will finally have the room to start Le Soleil Royal which has been sitting across the room tormenting me since July.
  19. I know it's been a little while since my last update but I've been around just not in the shipyard as much this past week. We are under three weeks till we start moving so I'm having to spend more time packing and getting things ready to go. Of course to add to the fun work has picked up as we just started four jobs and picked up two more this past week. I'm hopeful that I will get some ship building time in the near future, maybe tonight if I'm lucky! The foremast is coming along nicely. I've finished the top platform and the lower rail is in place. I have to make the supports for the upper rail and then the rail itself. It will be some time before I can step the foremast as it does have a lot of blocks that will need to be installed first. I made the mistake long ago of trying to install the blocks to the mast after the shrouds were on and swore I'd never make that mistake again. If I can get some more done I will try to update with some new pictures in the next couple days.
  20. The more I look at your pictures the more I think you may be right. With the spacers crooked it is throwing of my perspective of what is square. If I cover them up then it looks much better! I don't see much out of place with your frames fairing either as all the planks seem to be laying down flush across the frames and I don't see any frame in or out more than the others. Always double check but I think you may be good to go! Have fun!
  21. Steve, it looks like you are off to a good start with your framing. I think I'll pull up a seat and follow along.
  22. Steve, good decision on the cross section. They give you just enough to experience a little bit of everything without becoming overwhelming. As for your planking running slantwise across the frames, I would recommend trying to straighten them out before you get too far. The easiest way would be to cut an angle across one plank that will bring the others back into place. Try to do it somewhere that won't be noticed and no one will know. It is more of a cosmetic issue than function but as it is an easy fix to something that may continue to bug you later I would do it. Also, make sure you pay out the exterior planks so this doesn't happen there. The interior isn't as visible once all the furniture and accessories are in place but the exterior will always be seen. A little extra time measuring will pay off huge later on. I'll pull up a chair and follow along. You have made a good start on her and I'm looking forward to seeing more as you progress.
  23. Sometimes it is just easier to push through and do a bunch at a time. Monotonous yes but then you are done! Off to a good start and I know that when you are done they will be another great addition to your bireme.
  24. Your picture looks like mahogany on the lower hull, box wood for the white and walnut trim. Not sure how acurate this is but it will get you in the right ballpark.
  25. I'm not certain just by looking at the pictures however, typical light colored woods are maple, and boxwood. Again, there are no set rules for this that have to be followed it is up to the individual builder and what looks good to their eye. My hull has mahogany on the lower part with maple for the white stripes and dyed boxwood for the blue. The wales and trim are done in walnut and the interior has pear for bulwarks and bulkheads with boxwood decks and walnut and pear for the trim.
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