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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Great news for the modelling community that Sea Watch Books will not only continue, but will update its service model as well. Congratulations and best wishes for every success.
  2. I somehow missed the start of this one Glen. Love what you’ve done so far. I’ll pull up a chair for the rest of the build. Still trying to catch up with other “priorities” before I start my own SIB.
  3. I too have a Festool vac that I use not only for all of my Byrnes equipment, but also my full size hand held tools (sander, router etc). I also have the blue tooth unit, which is handy, and I always plug my machines directly into the Festool power outlet so that the vac turns on when the relevant machine turns on and turns off a few seconds after the machine turns off (to clear the line). I also added Festool’s own cyclone attachment, which stacks on top of the base unit and works well, although it does add to the overall size.
  4. Nice progress Bob. I have sent you a PM about dealing with ME and missing parts. I hope this helps you get it sorted.
  5. Frank, I wonder if it might be time for you to start your own build log, rather than hijacking Andrew’s?
  6. I’m no expert, but that layout looks pretty good to me Bob. I agree with the others about not doing all of one side at once, for the reasons already given. An alternative to the chart tape is thin cotton held in place with some diluted white glue.
  7. I somehow missed the start of this log Bob, so am just catching up. Looks like you’ve made excellent progress so far. Model building is a series of challenges and problem solving, and I think this is what makes it so enjoyable - actually working out solutions and implementing them. You’ve done a fine job of solving the problems you’ve encountered to date, so have confidence in your abilities as a modeller. I look forward to following along the rest of this build.
  8. Congratulations on completion of your capstan build Eric - you’ve done a great job on it, with your own unique take on the project too.
  9. ….and I thought I was joking…….🥴 So we now have a game of “where’s Wally?”…. I’m afraid my eyes aren’t good enough to find it - I’ll need a hint.
  10. Outstanding Glen - well done! Can’t help but notice the absence of the penguin though….😉🤣
  11. Well done on the “big push” Glen. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly with the mast raising.🤞
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