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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Some more progress on the metal work. Lift rings and thwart accepting the mast installed. The locker lid is complete and the mast step is also installed. The locker hinges are next. I think she is getting there! Steve
  2. Yes- go with your gut and redo. It looks good in photos but may cause a problem later? Steve
  3. It's coming along nicely! Photos are a little fuzzy but it looks very clean still. Steve
  4. I've been working on shaping the thwart that will accept the mast. Cockpit seats are stained and installed. Here's some photos, which also include the first coat of paint on the metal work: lift rings and metal for the mast braces. Wow- these parts are small! Steve
  5. Looking really good. Welcome back to the 18th century longboat battle. Nirvana will be excited as well to see your build return! It's so much more fun after planking is completed. Still difficult though. Steve
  6. I'm new to this hobby but your Niagra is the cleanest I've seen. Steve
  7. I second that. I'm sure you will elevate that subject to the next level with your build. Steve
  8. Installed the front face of the locker. It's a little less than 1/16" thick. I was out of 1/32" sheet stock from the kit (used it all for the cap rail). It will be covered anyway with the lid. Cut and shaped all the thwarts with the exception of the one that will accept the mast. Left out the grooves. I did a set of thwarts with them but it didn't add much. Boxwood would have looked better with the grooves. This was another tricky production. Installation was easy after they were shaped. Do not doubt- this is an advanced kit for a reason! Steve
  9. Nirvana- I think you are right about our sole two longboats. I'm sure once they're finished there will come a new builder. This project is a good lure for a beginner because of its price point and nice looking finished model. I'm liking the brass unblackened. I'm in process of constructing the thwarts. Not adding the grooves. They didn't add much to my model and will look better without. Steve
  10. Precision is the word you are looking for. Exciting to see this build take place. Steve
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