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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Hi- very nice build so far. I've been following along. I've been using Tamiya red for my build and it's been working out for me. It is very thin right out of the jar so I do not even thin it before using. I use several coats and sand before the final coats. I'm also a big fan of elmers wood glue. It's easy to clean up and rip off pieces when needed, which is often for me! Steve
  2. All I can say is wow! You are not going to want to give this one up! :-) Steve
  3. Bob is right. Your last photo tells the story of your success. You did such a great job there that it looks real and not a model. Steve
  4. Thank you for the feedback, Rodger. Definitely things to consider. I suppose I could also use rotary tool accessories in a drill press for things like sanding, etc. I will have to look more into it. I am open to any recommendations from people as well. Other issue is budget. Hence why my other option is purchasing something that can mount my rotary tool and also serve as a drill press. Steve
  5. With the inability to drill perfectly vertical by hand into the mast dowel, I am looking into purchasing a drill press or Dremel Rotary tool workstation. I own a WEN Rotary tool and would want to use that in the workstation. I like the idea of being able to mount the rotary tool. I have no idea if it would fit. On these types of purchases I like to think long term. I would appreciate any thoughts and advice. I was looking at these options: Dremel 220-01 Rotary Tool Workstation Drill Press Work Station with Wrench https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00068P48O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fqHJyb2C31Y3X WEN 4208 8-Inch 5 Speed Drill Press https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HQONFVE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ezHJybMFQJF99 Steve
  6. Can someone post an illustration or photo of a square knot? I'm not sure if what I'm finding online is correct. Thank you. Steve
  7. Congrats! It looks great. I think you made a good choice for your next. Karl and Andy are both doing great logs on the Pride of Baltimore. Steve
  8. Looks great! Best Niagra on the block. Lol I know those are clove hitches for the ratlines, but what type of knot did you tie at the end of them? I'm not sure if my question is clear. Steve
  9. It was at this point in the build that I was going to switch to the Pinnace and come back to this later, but I have changed directions. I will display them separately. I made a small modification to the rudder (can you tell what it is?). Here are photos of where it stands. Masting and rigging is next! Steve
  10. Spent the week working on the oars. I did this in a few stages. First I drew a line down the center so I could taper the blades. I used a sanding block to round off the corners then switched to a folded piece of sandpaper to finish rounding the edges. I thinned everything down as close to the plans as possible so the proportions would look correct. I tried a different color scheme than I've seen in other logs. The photo shows several coats of paint and WOP applied. I could not capture a great photo. Steve
  11. Looks good. I like the paint scheme you will use. I don't like the white dots on the thwarts. No clue why they are there. Sorry can't help with that one. Steve
  12. It's looking good! The smalllest size of the stain is 8oz about $5 each. Pre stain $12 + wipe on poly satin $12. Looking at roughly $30 for these minwax products. I recommend the WOP over the polycrylic. (I've tried both and the Polycrylic has more of a shine to it). If you decide to go this route. Steve
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