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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Thanks Chuck. I modeled the belaying pins after my current body shape short and fat. I sanded the fat out of them and they look much better, sorta like my younger self. Question would there be any cleats on a Longboat for securing mooring lines or flags on the mast?
  2. Welcome aboard Phillip. You will find a bunch of very talented and helpful people here at MSW.
  3. Catching up. Everyone is building the same boat soooooo I decided to go a road less traveled. Made a few changes like the color. I originally installed the large floor boards but decided to remove them and cut them into strips. Now to look up Chuck’s instructions for making a Flag. Going French. Maybe some armament.
  4. Gorilla glue has a CA with a brush applicator. (Yellow Cap) Easy to control placement.
  5. I drill them out, hold in needle nose pliers, Dremel and drill bit done.
  6. With the placement of the notch above the damage that would be a natural place for the bulkhead to shear off when removed from sheet. Not a mistake in lazing a mistake in design.
  7. I’m fine with the tan and Brown, love both.
  8. I’ll stick with the venerable old Syren Rope. Just the thought of the rope unraveling after ten minutes of trying to place through a block and then clipping is enough to stop me. It is pretty but to many things can go wrong. And if the economy drives the price up so be it. My 2 cents.
  9. I plan on painting my version, the Admiral said the same thing, why go through all that just to paint over them . I think the nail will still show , we shall see.
  10. I had lots of trouble finding the Black 10lb Sunset Amnesia Monofilament Chuck uses at any place that caters to fishing so I went to EBay. Found it at a place in England for $17 and now have enough to last two life times. If you need some drop me a PM and I’ll send you some.
  11. I use the ten lb Monofilament Chuck sent in the kit. Had to buy a new roll because I did not have enough.
  12. True Dat.
  13. I have been Trenailing the planks as I go along. I find it much easier when I can look at the frame than looking through the plank at the frame later on. Looks great Ken.
  14. Welcome to MSW and the Syren club.
  15. The Essex is next in my queue after my Medway Long Boat. Will be following with great interest
  16. Shop around online for custom vinyl lettering. That is what I did for my Rattlesnake got 2mm letter custom for about $6.
  17. I have that same set of brushes. They are cheaply made and theirin lies the issue.
  18. https://ageofsail.wordpress.com/2008/12/12/naval-telescopes/
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