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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Very nice build. I am currently in Virgina Beach until tomorrow. Was stationed at NOB in Norfolk, USS JF Kennedy. Hven't been back here since 1972. I'll be watching your build. Thanks....
  2. Looking nice Hamilton. I am hoping to be there soon once I return home. I don't think I can get much accomplished on the road.
  3. Ferit, this is looking exctremely nice. I see you live in Istanbul, I have enjoyed your great city and love the history behind it. The mosques are incredible architecture and the bazar is a great experience. I hope to return some day.
  4. And yes, that is Sinatra next to the poster. Many movie stars have been here and come here to eat pizza.
  5. No visit to Mystic is complete without having pizza at Mystic Pizza. This is where the movie was filmed and inspired that julia Roberts made her debut. It's cool, and the pizza is fabulous.
  6. Here is another shot of the whaleboats that are being painted....note that the color of the gunwale's are different colors, one green and one yellow. I assume this is for identification when working away from the ship. does anyone know for sure, and if so what are the other colors. They only had 2 at this time.
  7. the deck prisms reflect light and artificially light up the forecastle area and other parts below deck. the amount of light is incredible, and works very well.
  8. I have a little time, so I will post a couple of pictures. Here are some of a whaleboat being restored and fitted out for the restoration.
  9. Hi Joe, yes, the Morgan was incredible. I got pictures also of the models you reference. Please post yours when you can and I'll do the same as I know I missed some areas probably. Never hurts to duplicate the effort on these things. I got some good pictues of the sister ship Two Brothers at the Collections and Research Building accross the street from the North Seaport entrance which was by appointment only. Fascinating place.
  10. Really very nicely done. Thanks for posting pictues of the Morgan. I was on board her last week nd I'm building a model of her.
  11. Well, it looks like you have a birthday......Have a happy one! interesting jig. nice work as usual.
  12. Looking very nice. I was just in Gettysburg last week, speaking of RE Lee. River boats are fascinating in both design and structure. Very nice indeed.
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