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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. That looks great! That's a good snug fit. I look forward to seeing how you do the rigging.
  2. Wow incredible work Augie! They are the definition of perfection.
  3. This is very well done. I really like the cannons. I may try that method out. Good work!
  4. Got the port side done and the rudder in place. Still need to add the keel which is why I left the rudder so long. My philosophy is cut big and sand to size. So far it works. I also decided to change the way I did the windows and the transom. The ship lacked color so I cut off the old transom added color to the plans in Photoshop and printed a new one. I like this much better. Then like an idiot I nick it with the dremel. So if you see some paint differences that's why. I also added gold paint around the windows. This actually did two things added color and the build up of the paint gave it a more defined windowsill look. I'm much happier with my windows now. Now I'm finally getting to the itty bitty fun parts.
  5. That sure does work. Those ratlines are very even. Good work!
  6. Thanks John. The plan is to build two if I'm not sick of the ship by the time I'm done with the second I'll build a third. We'll see I have a bunch of projects I want to get to as well. To many ideas not enough time. Thank you Augie and Michael. I saw some on do the same thing with hatches I figured it would work with the windows. I may try to touch them up with white paint and more stain on the edges to darken them up. Debating a darker stain on the channels as well just so there's some contrast. I asked the pirates about color schemes but haven't heard anything back yet.
  7. Got some more work done. I'm not going to worry about scribing planking on any of the other ships the channels covered it all up. I tried a new idea and cut out the windows straight from the plans and glued them onto the side and back of the ship. I like the look and it's much more accurate then trying to paint it on.
  8. Congrats! I think you'll be awesome! Unlike that guy with the popcorn...hey where is that guy I need some more. JK Mark you do a great job.
  9. They'd have to have lids so they don't get wet. That or have plenty of cotton shooting muskets for after they dry out and shrink. She's looking really great Sjors! Can't wait to see more.
  10. 8 Feet?!?! Wow that's huge. It would be incredible seeing it sail though.
  11. Wow very nice! I take it with the original destroyed you had to scratch build the yard arms.
  12. I had trouble as well but figured out a work around. If you have a Google account or photo bucket or some other website you post photo's on right click and choose copy image URL. Then in the PM click the Image link that is right below the smiley face. It will ask for the URL, paste the image url and click ok. The image will appear wherever your cursor is. This works for posting images to posts as well. It's how I post emoticons most of the time.
  13. I look forward to seeing the pictures. The constitution has been on my list for a while I need to break down and build it.
  14. Yea I'm in Colorado not to far south of Augie and we've been having quiet the snow storm. I'll post some pictures on my log later. Around here 50's is when the sweaters come off.
  15. I'll take a seat in the back where the cool people sit. Looking forward to your build as well. I'm sure you'll do well.
  16. Oh no the 50's how dreadful. Sorry couldn't resist after the whats a snow shovel comment. On the bright side sounds like a good day to stay in and build.
  17. The needle technique looks like a good one. As well as a lot faster then drilling and filling all those holes. I'm interested to see how you choose to do it.
  18. Just wanted to through my congrats on the promotion as well Captain Augie.
  19. I should clarify I don't mean to say that it is easy because i know it's not. What I mean to say is you do it so well and so consistently it appears to be easy for you. Your work is incredible I really can't wait to see the rigging come together with all that shiny brass.
  20. More pictures!!! I decided to try and scribe the planking. My thought is I can scribe it and if it's awful I can plank over it. The deck planking came out well. I'm very happy with it. The rest is so so. From far away it's ok since it's such a small ship but up close it looks like it was planked by the three stooges. I'm still in debate about it for a few reasons. It isn't as well done as I would like but I do like the look. I'm thinking though that with it in the bottle and with some channels going on as well as other fittings they won't be noticeable So in effect it may work just fine. Also I'm adding the sealer,forgot the actual name, on the bottom which covers a lot of the planking lines. Most of this will be under the ocean but I like having it. I am planning on building two or three of these so I may just keep this one as the practice ship and turn over the better ones to the pirates.
  21. Wow I love the scale of this ship I may have to look into it. Your doing an incredible job she's looking great.
  22. Seems like since I built my Santa Maria I now see it every where. I like your technique with the tree nails. It totally adds to the look of the ship.
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