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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. No, that does not look right. Model Shipways will replace any faulty or missing pieces, no questions asked.
  2. Starboard side is done. All 78 gunport lids are rigged. Next up: channels This is because those are my remaining functional fittings and I need them in place to adapt the locations for everything else on the sides.
  3. For me, it’s when I finish the heavy work on the hull. I love detailing and fitting out the model. I enjoy putting masts on the ship and rigging (including making the sails). I’m terrible at the heavy framing and planking. I’m still learning woodworking. So, I personally consider the halfway point to be when I get the hull roughed out and ready to be detailed.
  4. Thank you all for the likes and the comments! I’m glad you liked the British officer. I very much enjoy painting figures every now and again. I’m about two-thirds done with the gunport lids on the starboard side. Next up, I need to make the channels so I can figure out where the mouldings will go. More with that later.
  5. Yes, stained glass copper tape works great. That’s functionally the same stuff that I used.
  6. That is terrible! You have the Admiral’s and my condolences.
  7. Richard, Thank you! I’m not going to lie, the first dozen or so were a little annoying until I got the methodology and the rhythm down. After that, they went pretty smoothly. My big lesson learned is that it is better to make your own eyebolts and not to buy plastic ones.
  8. Excellent!
  9. I rigged the port side gunport lids. Half way there and I’m happy with them. After I rig the other half, I’m making the channels.
  10. Sorry to hear that. Be careful and stay safe. I lived near wildfires a few years ago and that is nerve wracking.
  11. Vallejo makes the best model paints that I have ever used. They are just very expensive. I usually use Delta Ceramcoat for my models, card, wood, plastic, lead, metal or resin. It has always worked well for me. I like the matte finish and that it can be used to make washes or dry brush. The only kicker is that some materials have to be sealed with Mod Podge for 24 hours prior to painting, or the paint will not stick.
  12. That is awesome! It’s ridiculous, but awesome!
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