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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Welcome! I would say that any of those would be great starter kits. The most important thing to ensure finishing, is to stick through the build. Even if something goes wrong, fix it as best you can and keep going. Learn from it for the next one (I’ve done that a LOT).
  2. The midships portion is done. I ran the 1/16” strip all the way forward (it’s painted black, so not particularly visible, but it is there). Now, to finish the aft part of the mouldings.
  3. Thank you very much! The lower moulding is on, on the port side (the correct port side this time). I have the aft part of the upper mouldings started.
  4. Well done! I can scratch build card models, but I have never had a card kit come out well.
  5. The mouldings on the starboard side are done. I discovered that I made the forward bulwarks incorrectly. I will fully address that issue when I make all the railings and the timberheads. In the meantime I filled in the cutouts that I made. This is a learning project and I already knew that there were many flaws in this model, so I will correct what I can, within reason and just move on. I will remember my mistakes for future projects so I can do better.
  6. The starboard midships portion of the mouldings are done. The 1/16” second from the top part of the trim extends all the way to the bow, but the piece that I used is already painted black, so you can’t see it in the picture, but it is there.
  7. Welcome!
  8. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas! I will admit though, I’ve been pretty much playing a game of make it up as I go along. I did that with the Prince de Neufchatel too. It is working though. I’ve been having a lot of fun. I’m learning a lot, too. This is a great learning experience for my next project (either the Edmund Fitzgerald, the Triton or the Winchelsea). I have the mouldings on the aft section of the starboard side done. I am getting ready to start the midship portion.
  9. I round my blocks off with my knife, before I cut them off the strip. Trying to round them off after the fact is risky in my opinion (to your fingers, I may or may not have cut myself trying to modify previously made blocks).
  10. Welcome!
  11. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! Merry Christmas to all! I am using card stock strips to give the impression of mouldings (due to the small scale). It looks a little whopper jawed (hillbilly for crooked) in the picture, but that is because of alignment issues from merging a kit with the plans from the AOTS. It should come out well.
  12. Welcome!
  13. Thank you very much! I’m debating how I want to make the mouldings, carve from 1/16” stock, or make them from card like I did on the bow? I am leaning towards the card at this point.
  14. And it’s a Baltimore Clipper, which is a great rig to learn on.
  15. I am installing the iron banding that go with the channel eye bolts. I am making them from poster board.
  16. Thank you all for the likes and the comments! I have channels on the port side! The rest are painted and almost ready to install. I am pinning them to the hull. This means that I am using steel pins (sewing pins) to reinforce the glue so the channels do not buckle under the stress of rigging.
  17. It’s a matter of personal taste. I like carving. I didn’t know that I did until I tried it. Many people like sculpting. I have heard that sculpey is really easy to work and has minimal shrinkage when baking. I have the tools and the sculpey, but I haven’t tried using them. I am going to try it out on my next model. Either way, at worst you are only out a little bit of time and material if the first attempt doesn’t come out right. If you’ve never tried carving, I would encourage using the learn to carve tutorial here. It helped me tremendously.
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