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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I’m trying to develop my scratch building skills.  That is part of my objective with this model.  I am fixing anything that is not historically accurate.  I am also replacing a fair number of the fittings in the name of learning.  My next build will be the HMS Triton.  That will be my first ever scratch build.  I am leaning heavily on Wolfram zu Monfeld’s Historic Ship Models.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about the fall.  I am happy to hear that you are going to keep going.


     I lost the Heller La Reale de la France a couple of years ago.  It fell in storage smashing the stern decorations and breaking the masts (which were plastic anyways).  I ended up declaring it a total loss.  It ended up in a dumpster.  Bad day.

  3. I decided to make my own gunport lids because I didn’t particularly care for the metal ones that came in the kit.  They don’t look right and in order to make them historically accurate I will have to install two eyebolts.  This means drilling two half millimeter holes which doesn’t work well with metal fittings.  I am using basswood and I made a jig out of scrap wood.


  4. On 7/10/2018 at 4:30 PM, Rob206 said:

    After watching the YouTube videos by Gary B, I was thinking of ordering that bluenose from model expo along with their tool kit and possibly the paints. Not sure if I'd be starting off too complicated.

    Also is 


    By Ben Lankford. 

    Worth me ordering also?

    A schooner is a good starter model.  The rig is relatively simple and everything is relatively easy to get to.  Model Expo makes really nice kits.  They are excellent to learn on.

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