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Sea Hoss

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Posts posted by Sea Hoss

  1. More progress on The Picket Boat. The model itself as instructed, is finished. I made some alterations along the way that made sense to me and due to the other featured Pickets on this site. I decided to make this one like, fresh from the ship yard. I have some other "goodies" to add for realism and visual appeal. A custom cradle was made as the one provided looked sad. The new cradle is mahogany and finished well. I will enter this one in the "finished models from kits" when all details are added.

    63- permenently attached.jpg

    62- sits well.jpg

    61-cradle assembled.jpg

    60-making display cradle.jpg







    53-Basic model finished.jpg

  2. More work on the Picket boat. Began the spar torpedo. Now needs to be rigged. Mast is installed, have a question on it though. Does anyone know if flags can be flown on it or did it have another purpose? So now after rigging the torpedo, I think I may fabricate a display cradle, the one that comes with the kit is not to my liking. I have some nice red cedar I can use for it. Then I have some ideas for added interest/ realism that I plan on fabbing up. 

    47- spar torpedo parts.jpg

    48- assembly torpedo.jpg

    50- torpedo 2.jpg

    51- spar torpedo and mast.jpg

    52- spar torpedo.jpg

  3. Looks very good, I did the Syren also (Jan 2018-Feb 2019). I am reliving it in your Syren. She is definitely a good way to figure one's patience level and a very good learning experience! Thankfully, Chuck P. did a great service in the HUGE instruction manual...But when all is said and done, you will get a graet looking ship! I will watch your progress...

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