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Everything posted by src

  1. Jo, Sorry, nope not back yet. We have two parade floats due in 6 weeks I have popped in to MSW to check on a couple of ongoing PM conversations but other than that I am really out of the loop MSW-wise. I have done a small aount of work on the Enterprise, working on the Fore Yard. I finished up tying the blocks on last night. I will try to get a picture up in the next couple of days. See ya! Sam
  2. Hi Jim, Great start - even if it was many years ago. I am currently building the Enterprise myself. I started back in 2010 and work on her has my work load permits. The new version instruction are not much better than what you described the old are like, I have thrown mine in a drawer somewhere. There are several completed builds of the new kit here, do a search in this forum. You should be able to get a feel for what the instructions say from those builds. I am currently on a crazy work schedule at the moment but I do check in every few of days on a couple of PM conversations I have going. If you run into trouble shoot me a PM and I will help where I can but it may be a few days before I respond. Link to my build below. Best, Sam
  3. I have placed this same query in the traders and dealers part of MSW also. I am in somewhat urgent need of some photo etching. My N.D. prevents me from giving too many details in public but think of a small circuit board encased in a clear material. the size will be under 4x5". I see Daffi has an etching company but he is out of the U.S. and just getting them here in time may be problematic. Does anyone know of a photo etching place that will take on a small rush job? Thanks for any help, Sam
  4. Hey all, I seem to recall someone here was doing custom photo etching as a small business. I have a non ship related project that requires some .010 brass to be etched. Does anyone know of a commercial photo etching company who will do small runs with high detail. And fast? If you are the business please PM me your contact info. We are located in Monrovia, California, USA. Thanks, Sam
  5. Well done Dennis! ANd the wood, I am lichen it!!..... Sorry couldnt resist. sam
  6. Dennis, you're almost done, she is looking great Murphy Moments not withstanding. Gotta love you some Duddley Do Right. Druxy, thanks for the tip about spatter a few weeks back, just gotta look at things differently. Sam
  7. Great to see you back on this Lady Dennis. The PE looks real good, adds a lot. Round about story; I learned just last night Better Half's father served on DE 393 Haverfield from shakedown through the end of WW2. Named after Ensign James Wallace Haverfield who is entombed (assumed) on the Arizona. Sam
  8. Jo, That look great, you have done very well indeed. For masking many here like the Tamiya tape. there is also Frog tape, might be a different name in your land. probably gorF since you-all live upside down. Our scenic painters use a 3m tape found in automotive paint stores: http://autops.co.nz/tape-masking-products/676-3m-233-3mm-masking-tape.html That site is NZ not your world but you should be able to find it if interested. Another trick I see them use to stop bleed through is to apply some comparable clear before laying on the color. Try it on some scrap first to get a feel for it. And BTW, my fingers dont bleed, Better Half does the house cleaning..... I better go nor before I get hurt. Sam
  9. Sorry to hear about the warp Dennis, looks like you got it straightened out though. 31 years, wow, that is rare in our generation. Congrats. Sam
  10. J, Lots of progress since I looked in last, looking good. Looking forward to your cleats, you tackled them differently that I did, I might like your way better. Sam
  11. Great to see you back at it Rich! That is one great Dr you have there, if I ever end up living in AZ i am looking him up as my Doc. Work s looking good, especially with limited use of your hands. great inspiration for not giving up. Sam
  12. Hello patient strangers! Made it back for a bit. Lots going on in my personal life; work related mostly, nothing bad. Better Half and I are both on really screwy schedules, resulting in the usual story of no time/energy to play. You have all heard my lamentations before. We did take a cruise to Alaska last month, that was a great trip and we actually ended up in the ports advertised this time; no hurricanes! I haven't been a TOTAL slug since though. I have decided not to mount the gaff from earlier, most likely I will look for a way to lash that and a couple of failed masts to the deck. I started tinkering with the Fore Yard, results below. Today's task is to work on the iron work for the stuns'l yards. Now, off to see what the rest of ya'all have been up to. Sam
  13. Getting caught up here Jo, Your planking looks quiet good. Give yourself an Atta-Girl! Sam
  14. Great work as always, where do you get your cup burs? I am so stealing that!! Sam
  15. Holy Cr@p, RIch! Sre you going to be ok?? Three weeks in burn unit sounds rather serious, what on earth happened?? nYou say the can blew up, was there a pilot light nearby? that happened to a guy I used to work with years ago, he was cleaning contact cement off of a counter he just installed and he didnt shut off the waterheater pilot, burned himself and the customeres kitchen. Hope your going to be ok and will be back at your build soon. Sam
  16. All righty then Carl, you showed us the carrot, where is the build?? Or did Gregs talk about Bears and Roos and Sharks give you the nighttime willies? Sam
  17. They live in the cities ...???  They are called politicians and bureaucrats in the Northern Hemisphere Carl. Sam
  18. Not a problem vossie. As far as entertaining your new supervisor, perhaps she will need an assistant? One advantage to my Enterprise taking so long, mine is old enough the rigging doesnt much interest mine. Sam
  19. Its like the Swiss and Fondue, everybody has their favorite recipe. Yours looks good. I dont think it would work at the scales we work in here, but I have watched our scenic painters muddle, spatter, or drip their "mud", "grease" or whatever and then spray it with a Hudson Sprayer and water. Quite effective for some things. Again though at our scales I don't see that working well. Sam
  20. Hey Dennis, Yea that was the last thing I did before going on vacation. They will still rub the jaws a little, I can live with it. Before I went away I started cutting blanks for my yard arms, nothing to show at the moment, hoping to get some bench time in tomorrow. Thank to everyone who hit the like button. Sam
  21. Mighty fine work Carl, mighty fine. thats not a list, she is rolling in heavy seas. Sam
  22. That looks good Dennis. Too bad about the interior, still looks good. What are you using for soot? Sam
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