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Everything posted by src

  1. and spend ten times the kit cost in tools materials and research material.
  2. Now that I have had some coffee I see I got the names mixed up! Fonzie is painted and Aggie has filler! Sheesh! AhhhPfft! I think you know what I mean now. Sam
  3. I have done the same thing with hot water or a heat gun, just dont walk away from the heat gun...... Good to know it doesnt alter the strength.
  4. Looking great Sjors. Looking at your Aggie your making want to paint my next build. Sam
  5. Rich, About five minutes - depends on temperature though. Inside with the AC on you should be good. I have had it go off real fast though but that was in a very hot shop, 100 degrees+. I just do a drop or two of each bottle on some wax paper and mix well with a tooth pick. smaller batches like that will not generate as much heat so they cure a bit slower. If your asking about shelf life after opening, the kit I have here is about a year old and still good. Extreme temperatures seem to shorten the shelf life. Its not uncommon for our shop to go from the mid 30s in the winter to well over 100 in the summer and that seems to ruin the hardener, the cold especially. Again I am assuming your in A/C so that shouldnt really be an issue for you. Sam
  6. Rich, the rudder looks good. I will have to remember the scoring trick. As far as epoxy, I use something called Devcon 5 minute epoxy. It works well for me, I got it at an R/C store. I would think any good hardware store will have something also, I know the Big Orange Box store has it - Home Depot. its a 3m product at the HD. It appears Constructo uses stock hinges for their kits; yours look suspiciously similar to the hinges in my kit. I forget which book I read it in but I recall the leading edge of the rudder wasnt square - more pointed and then tapered slightly towards the stern so I would think your good with your rounding over. For the nails (actually bolts) I used some brass wire heated and peened over - very time consuming but it worked. There is a forum topic here that describes making nails that is much more efficient. I wish I read it before I made mine! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3315-making-small-nails-with-round-head/ Sam
  7. Yes, epoxy. Make sure the back side of your metal is nice and shiny clean also. Some alcohol to take any oils off wouldn't hurt either. The alcohol is for the oils on the metal not your skin BTW; although I firmly believe if you aren't hurting anybody, do as you will! Sam
  8. Rich She is starting to come to life. When I mounted my rudder I first mounted everything to rudder itself. Ten then I slid the rudder in place and clamped it off. Once I was satisfied with where it sat I transferred some lines to the hull and drilled a couple of starter holes for the nails. I used those predeilled holes with unglued nails to hole HOLD everything in place while the epoxy set up. Then I drilled and epoxied in the remaining nails. After all that I pulled out the unglued temp nails and glued those in. Hope this all makes sense. Sam
  9. We will all be waiting. Now, I have a whole 2 hours to play maybe i can actually get something done on my build, see ya soon! Sam
  10. The natives are getting restless Sjors. Wow, I carry my shield err Sherry's chair all the way over here and all I see is a messy work area! PffFF-FFt! Sorry my American accent mangled your Dutch words. I'll be patient and help (Picks up a dustpan and starts sweeping) Sam
  11. Great start Rich. Wow, she IS a big girl isnt she!? Sam
  12. Sjors, very nice! I see you still have your IPOD on the wall...... (Gallantly takes Sherry's chair and carries it to the 'Fonz log for her while using it as a shield) Sam
  13. Rich, if the bleach doesnt work try oxalic acid - Rockler carries it I think. So should Ace Hardware or any good paint store. Sam
  14. Steve, That hull looks great! You really gonna cover it up with paint? Your build if course but it seems a shame to cover it up. Sam
  15. Al, you beat me to it!! Johnny, if not Radio Shack, Freys or any decent electronic store will have them. You can even get 'em with insulation so you dont burn your fingers. Oh, umm..... wrong 'hobby" sam
  16. Ahhh my mistake, they looked suspiciously like the parts from the enterprise, I assumed they used a similar approach by giving you precut parts that you then bend to shape. Looks like you have a plan worked out for your balancing act. Sam
  17. Rich The curve and fit looks good. Those small pre shaped parts are tough to bend I have found. I had similar issues myself. For me, in the future I think it will be easier to buy lumber and bend out of a larger piece then shape.
  18. a bigger hammer never hurts either. Looks good Rich. Sam
  19. Augie is lucky, I will most likely have 5 wall sides. I'll just hang mine from the ceiling and look at the keel! No new pictures Robyn? Sam
  20. Wow, that's a tough bend. Do you have any wider planks you can use? Then you can cut out smaller sections and scarf joint them together. Looks good when it's finished also. I ended up doing that on my enterprise when constructo wanted me to make my cap rails out of 3 pieces of 2x2 mm mis matched parts. I had to order material from hobby mill to do it though. The trim work looks good. Sam
  21. Rich, Those small boats look GOOD. great t see you building again. Sam
  22. Sjors, others explained the spiling far better than I could. So I take your comment to mean Chuck recommends against spiling? And since you have narrow planks I guess you wouldnt be anyway. And now thanks to Nick I have doubled my Dutch! Pictures soon? Sam
  23. Mark, I am thinking .308 at about 250 yards. I'll bring my Proxon and we can have a "blast" I gotta agree with you on blade guards, crutches in my opinion, they make you safety lazy. OSHA disagrees unfortunately, as we just found out at work. Sam
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