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Everything posted by src

  1. JVO, After buying the Proxon FET I would go with the Byrnes saw if I had to do it again. The Proxon will get the job done but the setup is is pain IMHO and its not repeatable - too much slop in the "micro adjustment" knob. Others here are using a basic Proxon and seem to like it. I tried to "save" money going with the Proxon, now Jim Byrnes saw is going to cost me $300.00 more that it would have if I had just bought it first. Live and learn. Sam
  2. Sjors THanks for teaching Bindy that word now I learn also. So if you mean it twice is it pfffffffffffs? Or Spffffffff? I had no idea that was a Dutch word. I am Multi Lingual! Really looking forward to your next layer of planking, I cant recall will they be spiled? Sam
  3. Mark, looks great. THose scrap boxes can be ravenous monsters at times cant they? Sam
  4. Rich pinning is the way to go I would think. When constructo mislead me on the knight heads (?) on my enterprise and I had pinned them in place. They came out but it took some work. The dollhouse supply place I mentioned is rosesdollhouse.com Sam
  5. Sjors, that looks so clean, soon you wont be needing a second layer of planking on your builds. I like how you are using the stem to hold your I-Pod in that first picture, very creative, did the gnomes do that for you? Sam
  6. Robbyn, Nice to see you getting in some build time. It looks good to me!. I notice you managed to get that shiny-sparkly thing on your finger in the picture again. Sam
  7. Rich, there is a doll house supply company in the Midwest somewhere that has a great supply of stuff. I think I have the link at work, will look on Monday. In the meantime, if you dont find anything that works you can alway make your own moldings. I think its in the wood section of the forum but somewhere there is a great post by DanVad about making scrapers for moldings. Sam
  8. That King TIger is pretty cool. I am assuming the engine sounds are digital since its computer controlled, I wonder how much more it would take to add some squeeky track sounds? Maybe modify the main gun to use an Airsoft system? Then of course ya gotta add in a main gun sound track. Sorry, my inner "DisNerd" is showing again! Sam
  9. Vivian, I love it! I know I have said it before, but I love the "worms eye" pictures, really brings the build to life. Thanks for the info on the lanterns, I never doubted you you know. I was just thinking that even a lantern would have a degree of flicker to it. No matter, your build and at the risk of sounding condescending your doing a fine job of it! Sam
  10. That looks good Rich. Too bad about the angle, Augies suggestion sounds like the best solution so far. You could make your own frames although those are so nice and crisp it would be a shame to scrap them. I wish Constructo would supply frames like that for the Enterprise. Constructo, clean up your plans, please. Rich, you may have mentioned it earlier and I missed it when I re-skimmed your log a few minutes ago, what do they give you or recommend for the 4 "jambs"/columns flanking each window? Sam
  11. Looks like a fun project Mark. Dripped wax, furniture polish, bees wax, they should all work as a release for the glue. That is a pretty small dado, how flat is it using the washer method? I would imagine its reasonably flat? I used a wobble dado set on a 10" table saw, once, didnt care for the noise or the slight curve on the bottom. Sam
  12. that makes sense, I should have realized that all on my own..,.. :mellow: An oil lamp would still have a degree of flicker to it I think. Just my thoughts. Sam
  13. Jay, Your'e preaching to the choir there my friend! Although I have been known to shop at Harbor Freight, I always try to get the best I can afford - part of why I dont have a mill. As somebody who strives to keep my cutting tools in the best shape i can, it kills me to see a couple of the "carpenters" I work with use their chisels! Opps, I mean combination screwdriver, prybar, door stop. I do enjoy the craftsman part of this hobby very much; its what drew m to it in the first place. 90% of my Enterprise has been built with chisels, scrapers and micro planes. I seem to have a personal problem with repetitious tasks like gun carriages so a faster more efficient way is always appealing to me. Regardless, i will be following along here with interest. Sam
  14. Jay, That looks real nice! I am in the process of making carriages also. Wish I had a mill, a table saw and a carving chisel isnt nearly as clean or efficient! Or as safe. doing each of those sides on a sled is interesting. It looks like your using quarter sawn lumber; I have never worked with pear before, wont that be more likely to break in this case? Sam
  15. Rich, Home remodeling is always.......fun(?) We will be here when you get back. Sam
  16. That looks great to my eyes Sjors! Ratline King and now planking King? What the world coming to ?? Sam
  17. You keep upping the bar on us Vivian!!!! I find myself wondering, "What will she do next?" Is that an operating lantern I see? Sam
  18. Steve, I'll have to find a picture of the building I am thinking of. Maybe I have the wrong building. I think also I should quit poking fun at the Gods of "Shake and Thump," It appears they sent me a warning this morning! And I agree with J, your scarfs look real tight. Sam
  19. Steve, Looks good even your artistic composition! kinda reminds me of the Crystal Cathedral for some reason. Hmmmm If your Steves Glacial Progress Boat Works what does that make my 4 years on the Enterprise? Sams Tectonic Boat Works? Sam
  20. Robbyn, How did I miss this?? Looks great, nothing like a dress rehearsal to get you off on the right foot. Sorry to hear about your mom, All my best to her. Sam
  21. Sjors, yes it is VERY quiet in the SRC Ship yard. Work and other "Life Adventures" are interfering with the important things, like building. Hopefully in the next week or two I can get back on a build schedule. Till then I have to satisfy myself by visiting the other build here; I cant even visit all the build I follow in one sitting, I have to do it in little bits. Sam
  22. I have been watching this from my cell phone, now that I see it on a big monitor I am even more impressed. C'mon! you can animate these, NO PROBLEM. What happened to "Challenge Accepted???" Sam
  23. That interior shot looks great. If it wasnt for the bottle of glue in the lower right corner and your house door in the background I would swear its a real ship! Sam
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