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Everything posted by src

  1. I gave my better half a shirt from a place by south lake bishop creek. Said "The journey is the destination"
  2. Sjors, that work bench look MUCH better! Mark is right a clean bench is a sign nothing is getting done. My bench is SPOTLESS at the moment. I'll just continue to live vicariously through your and other builds. As always looks great! Sam
  3. Steve, Looks real good! Dont worry about how long it takes, just enjoy the journey. Advice I need to give myself regularly! Sam
  4. Rich, Thats great news. Their kits/instructions may not be the best, but they do seem stand behind what they sell you. I had a similar experience with them. Sam
  5. we will believe it when we see pictures..... I never considered planking from the middle out, how does that work? Sam
  6. I don't have the vocabulary to compliment you properly and I can't hit the like button more than once, so, great job!!!!!!!! Now, how ya gonna animate these????? I'll go back to my cave now........ Sam
  7. Vivian, dont think of it as bleeding, you were "Letting the mistake Demons out" Now your work will be perfecter! Sam
  8. Looks great to me (like I know what I am talking about....!) Nothing like positive progress to put a spring in your step! Sam
  9. Wow Rich that cleaned up nice. I am surprised that Constructo has not responded to you yet. When I contacted them about some additional lumber I had a response in 2-3 if I recall correctly. Unfortunately, that was in early 2011 or late 2010 and I no longer have that email chain - its on and old computer. If I did I would PM you the person I dealt with. How long ago did yo uconact them? Sam
  10. Bindy, Mark Thank you! Always nice to see a new face Bindy. He is quit a friendly guy.... with people. Needs some socializing and Kitty respect. I'll play by MSW rules and leave my comments to that. Anybody interested can go here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4473-to-all-those-who-love-dogs/page-5 In ship build news, VERY slow right now. Been tinkering with carriages a bit. Most of my "build" time has been vicariously through other logs. Might have something to show next weekend, too much going on this weekend. I need to win the lottery so I can retire early! Sam
  11. What body are you using? Many of the bodies today you can hard wire to your PC. They are slow I understand though. I just keep a reader close by and download as soon as I finish. I *think* both cannon and Nikon offer modules that will transfer wirelessly. I don't know the transfer rate though. Sam
  12. Amazing what a decent lens can do. Sometimes I make sure I have at least 100mm on the camera, when up close there us far less distortion then with a wider lens. It also helps that my 100mm is also a 1:1 macro. But any tele will give you far less if any distortion than a wider lens. Sam
  13. Rich, Sounds like a plan. Building is down to a crawl here. Work is been keeping me hopping and we adopted a German Pointer a couple of weeks ago. He has the potential to be a great dog for us; no hunting instinct untill he is in the same room as the cat, then he starts to stalk her. She is so dog friendly she just rolls on her back to play. Over the last week I have managed to make up all my rings for the gun carriages and solder the hops for he breaching ropes as well as carving the small round in the bottom of the carriage sides. If I am lucky I'll get time this weekend to start on the trucks. sam
  14. Muzzlehead, Looks pretty good. Your picture is slightly off center so the lens may be distorting things. Camera phones have a pretty wide angle lens. It could be the angle or just the run of the planks but I am concerned that your hull may not be faired consistently. Look at the lines at the stern, they are not symmetrical in the picture (again it might be the angle) now might be a good time to make a couple of cardboard templates and confirm port and starboard are consistent. I dint fair mine as well as I should have and struggled with the first planking, ended up doing quite a bit of bondo work to straighten it out. Sam
  15. Rich, With that big open space there I see room for a captain Hull or Decatur in there! Looking good! Sam
  16. You just had to put that link to ape forge in there didnt you Keith..........By By Paycheck... or would that be BuyBuy? BTW I get a chuckle every time I see you signature animation. Sam
  17. Kimberly, Its been a long time since I built a plastic model but this what i did. With all the parts still on the trees I washed everything in lukewarm water with a bit of dish detergant and then rinsed well with clean water and left everything out to dry overnight. I then primed everything, light primer for light parts and med gray for everything else. I re-primed as needed and then painted my sub-assemblies as I went. I built mostly planes then so; engines were painted before installation as were cockpit assemblies etc. Part of the challenge was determining when to paint and that comes with experience. For instance if I had a lot of small details to add to an engine assembly I painted just before I attached those parts. In your photos above I think you did the right thing painting your barrels before installation. Depending on what your plan is now might be a good time to paint those steps on your deck if they are to be a different color. I am using that as an illustration, somebody who is familiar with this kit could advise you better there. As far as you choice of sheen, my personal preference is matte or eggshell/satin, but its your build, do what you like. Hope tis helps. sam
  18. Scott and the others are right about the primer, its your best friend when painting. I wont go off topic here, but there have been a couple of times where I have seen an entire paint job fail because of the wrong primer(s) being used. Anybody can PM me if they like horror stories. As you get farther on your journey here and more comfortable with painting an airbrush might be in order, you can tint your primer with a similar color if you need to. I suppose you could do that with brush paints but I have never tried it on a model. Isnt 'sperimentin' fun?? Sam
  19. Mark, I think it looks great myself, but you need to make yourself happy. Mmmm POPCORN! Sam
  20. Rich, I am going to be watching this part closely. If I ever get my carriages finished that is next on my to do list. Sam
  21. Ok I feel better now. Your clock goes to 24?? Now I know how you get so much done. Are you planning on using nails on your planking all the way up the frames? They look very fragile, how will you get a nail in there without breaking them? Sam
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