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Everything posted by cog

  1. Lovely jig you made to split the leather at such tickness, I should say "thinness"
  2. Did the Germans have a broadcast special on the BBC? Very super detailed build, Yves. All the lovely crisp scratch built items ... c'est superbe!
  3. Deck furniture's numbers growing steadily. You keep on making such very lovely detailed parts. Well done
  4. Patrick, you are Advertising M$ Office. I take offence By the way, how many Sermans did you build
  5. Odd for even matt should still be opaque. It may be that the clear plastic turned murky, which you cannot alter, but for changing it. In tis particular case I would try the MR Paint Cleaner with a cotton swab.
  6. Nope, have you ever sanded varnish. You make it translucent by putting on another coat of varnish. Did you use matt, satin, or gloss?
  7. He could just beat her up ... only needs a hammer of some kind
  8. Gloss varnish might help. I wouldn't go for the white spirit. I found MR Paint (NOT Mr Color!) Cleaner to be a very effective paint remover, both enamel as acrylics. Watch out you do not touch other areas than the ones you want to "strip"
  9. You're building a late Mk IX, chances are it has hydrolics for those functions
  10. Thanks Kevin. There will be more logs on some other BRASSIN kits for the bf 109G-6. The engine with gunb assembly, and radio compartment just haven't arrived yet <sigh>
  11. You are positive, you do not get commision on UK sales???
  12. Ah yes, the giant match, and clamp. Nice detail, despite the size. You never know when it comes in handy, Steven
  13. Have you thought about making the black a bit less by mixing 10% -20% of light grey in it? It would bring the colour somewhat more "to scale"
  14. Very nice, RGL. Turned out real good, a thoroughly battered, and (ab-)used hull and structure!
  15. Why the oilcanning effect? I thought the ships from before WWII were of far heavier plates than the US ships from WWII and most warships from after, and hence didn't show the water battered hull
  16. it will be Denis ... it just hasn't arrived yet. I want to build one with a detailup cockpit, engine, radio room (more like a box), and wheels. That should keep me busy a few days ... four seperate builds in one ... add a cloak of invisbility ... and the camo is complete too By the way, presently working on a Spitfire IXc 1/48 engine ... should fit snuggly in OC's build
  17. Thought it looked familliar! How could I have missed this log(!) Lovely crisp details, Clare
  18. I see Trumper makes one too ... I'll pass on the berg, I stuff my freezer with different content
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