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Everything posted by cog

  1. Jim, wounderfull. She looks like a million pounds.
  2. JP, Looks good, though Ben's got a point. It looks like it is moving slightly upward at the bow. Try a ruler to check it. We may be wrong, as pictures sometimes distort.
  3. What teaser ... You are manufacturing inside-out wooden cloth peggs aren't you? If not I'm at the wrong build log It's that what I need for building models ... Thanks, they do look great. I've started modifying some of mine according to specs shown.
  4. Everybody: Thank you for your advice. I went with the silver solder without point, just the flame. I use a Proxxon and it was just the plain torch I got, no accessories. My setup was simple, chalc block, a third and fourth hand only used the forth, the third was busy I must say, soldering with a torch, works like a charm Some images for non-believers ...
  5. Ed, I would love to buy them, however, I do not want to be negative about the book, for Seawatch Books has some titles I would love to buy (including yours), but if I pay $70.- in the States, I'd pay at least another $70.- here before I get it in my hands. I've seen 5 titles I would like to by, each around $70.- You can do the mathematics ... (I don't mean that they should be sold at a lower price, maybe publish them in Europe too ...)
  6. Adrieke, Sorry to hear about your father. Do visit him. It's important, even at that distance you will not like yourself if you won't and something unexpected does happen.
  7. Modeler12, It's as Jan (Amateur) says ... Not negative about the book, for Seawatch Books has some titles I would love to buy (e.g. EdT's), but if I pay $70.- in the States, I'd pay at least another $70.- here before I get it in my hands. I've seen 5 titles I would like to by, each around $70.- You can do the mathematics ... Visit the States ......... If I would visit another continent and I could choose ... first Japan, second New Zealand/Australia, third Mongolia/China
  8. Take some distance, and you won't see the fluffy on your ropes Looks 'A' ok. Eventhough the size might make it easier, it's still a wonderful job. 'specially the four inch block. During the time bearings weren't known, a pen with tallow was used for the sheave.
  9. Nice Håkan, You thought we wouldn't check up on your build ...? Keep on dreaming!
  10. The shipping cost and import duties in the Netherlands are killing. I pay twice the price I would have to pay in the US. It ain't fun no more after you've received the book(s)
  11. Robert, Stunning piece of work, the inlay (veneering) and the capstan. 'specially the size you're working on.
  12. SIGH ... ( a very long silence) ... That is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship you show on that block! You surprise me again, and again. I've been watching the pictures of that block silently for at least five minutes ................
  13. What's the place/shop/store where Seawatch books are sold in the UK? These posts were split from the HMS Winchelsea scratch build log. this model is the subject of a book that will be coming out in the future and published by Seawatch books. Seawatch books is one of our sponsors and they offer folks many such books on ship modeling and naval history. Many are authored by other MSW members.
  14. Very well done those metal fixings for the dead eyes!
  15. Weathering looks real good on them, as if you've used them a lot. The openings in the tule looks to be hexagonal. Which in my eyes makes it even more realistic. Darn fine piec'a work mate!!!
  16. Very instructive this part about rigging. I like the way things are done - at this scale. Boats are looking good to. Nice solution for the thwarts.
  17. I need to solder the brass hoops which go around the deadeyes as the rods need to be shortened. Should I do that with a standard soldering iron, or with a torch.
  18. Mat varnish is a possibility , glossy will be far to shiny. Some people use beeswax with turpentine, some oil (don't know which one). But with the latter two, I'm afraid the planking might come off ... You might drop the question here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/14-building-framing-planking-and-plating-a-ships-hull-and-deck/
  19. At the speed you were building these two treasures, Popeye, it amazes me you even saw all the comments we put in :D Keep your fingers away from the winch, if they get caught, that emergency stop will be very far away ... They're really looking sublime
  20. Jim, Did you varnish as protection or to improve the quality of the paint you used?
  21. Garward, Barge is looking real good. It is a nice method with the punch. I've seen it before. Works probably good on smaller models too. I like the details you added (as usual) Very nice in all.
  22. She's one shiny b*tch with that new coppered hull, and I dare say looking very smart. Well done. So you to ... catheads ... luckily you looked ahead and at all the drawings!
  23. For someone whom lost his images ... you are doing rather well. It seems you had to rebuild her from the start to get these on screen It would really have been a loss if this build log would not have reappeared
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