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Everything posted by cog

  1. Figuerres, Translation for non Americans, and people who find it difficult to use 'shorthand' please ... 'OMG' =
  2. Adrieke, For the next time if you're struggling with a paint tube. Don't press on, but try to open it up through the top with an awl or something a like. It will save you some paint, and frustration.
  3. Mobbsie, I like your gun trade mark. Besides, guns were mostly blackened when thay were cast iron, as far as I know. Now you have some sparkle along side
  4. Russ, Don't ask me anything about sizes. I find it hard enough to recalculate everything to metric ... it turns me However, what I see I like. Very much
  5. Michael, Your new lanyard looks more sturdy, it suits your boat. I have to say that I like the contrast in the colours on the right side better. What do you feel yourself ...
  6. Mati, I'm very impressed by your build. I missed it entirely on the old site, but I will follow it now with much interest. It really is fabulous
  7. 2 years ago ... seems like yesterday! How time flies when you're having fun :D
  8. Robbyn, Another option stick stained woods on top of eachother, is to use a (tiny) dowel/treenail/nail etc
  9. Robbin, Another newbie on your log. I love what you are doing. It's more like kit bashing!!! Hope your hand healed well and is not giving you any difficulties. Looking forward to your inventive progress
  10. Sjors, You cross out the router. You've got one, how else do you get on the internet ...
  11. Sam, Aikido is to physically defensive, whilst VooDoo is based on superstition (or not ...) Take your time Sam, we aren't in hurry. Besides, in this way, at least we can keep up with you!
  12. It does look like you look to a lighted piece of deck in the dark, or a piece of a deck in the spot light. Looks superb. NICE
  13. That's a very impressive build you have on your hands. I like the details you show. Could you show the size of them? (take a picture with a euro cent, or a ruler) C'est vraiment super!
  14. Sherry, You call THAT a SMALL update? I wonder what a big one will be ... Looks pretty solid from here!!! Keep it up
  15. Dished that up pretty fast, and it does look easy enough to DIY! Thanks for showing!
  16. Danny, How much room is there left between those 'bits'(?) and the cisterns, i.e. can you still pull a rope through? From here it looks like they are touching, which they are probably not.
  17. She looks great. Wonderful work on the window and the frame. You are to right not making a complete roof. The material for model boats seems never to be thin enough. What did you use for the windscreen/window?
  18. Dan, You took your time getting there mate I'm glad you're on the roll again, as will you certainly. You have a magnificent start with the pump and cistern. It looks real sharp. As with Remco's build, I'm glad I reread it, for there are quite a few things I missed the first time. I'll probably go through it again, as I will certainly have missed things again. Good to have you back at the work bench!!!
  19. Sjors, I know. Just get it out of your system!!
  20. Jason, When/If yo stain the links dark they'll suddenly turn out smaller It does look good, but a bit long ... I would expect the chain to be attached below the stern.
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