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Everything posted by cog

  1. Don't you need an emergency stop button, or on/of swith for the crane? I love those added details by way of the decals.
  2. An impressive build, moving over to the new forum hasn't done her any damage. Lovely details added and made
  3. Sarah, I was already wondering when this 'babe' got back on line. You are making some wonderfull improvements. You are bashing along just nicely. Love what you're doing, even the duckling - so cute that funnel of yours ... very, very, very well done! Maybe I should start using nailpolish? Inventive not to say the least
  4. Garward, Seeing her grow like this again ... amazing. There is so much to see - I even forgot about those splendid quarter windows.
  5. Sam, I forgot about your inventive mind ... That scupper drill jig ... great. The cap rail, now that I see it again ... wonderful job. It will be fun to watch her grow under your hands
  6. A job well done indeed on the dragon head. I have to agree with you on the poor look of it in the kit. It seems every kit needs bashing ...
  7. JP, Can't see why you should have any problems finishing the planking, the way you are at it. I found the garboard strake rather simple, compared to the rest of the planking. It runs in a straight line from fore to aft. If you start bending it, you're on the wrong path. I see that Russ is lending you his ear and giving advice, so you'll be in safe hands!
  8. Not much saw dust, but your masts are looking good Remco
  9. Jason, Can't recall to well, but didn't you made a jig for the curvature of the racks/hatches, or is my rotten memory playing tricks on me ...
  10. Jason, What a tremendous improvements you could have made for your own feeling if it had!!! E.g. no glue on the coppering ...
  11. Had to think about this when I read you response: Wild horses couldn't drag me away Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them someday I read in some naval novel that the sea had 'white horses' ... Are those the white 'caps' on the swells?
  12. Jason, Good to see her back online! Would be a pitty not having your build log back.
  13. Marvelous Michael. Lucky you, you've got the space for it. Maybe more cramped builders should order their ropes at 'Mott's Rope Co Pty'
  14. Trip, How come that some people just know ...
  15. Mihai, That's a pitty. Good I remembered. I tend to save to much, but as it turns out, it seems I didn't save enough.
  16. Michael, You should take a look at this guys log, if Walter let's you ... It's amazing - unfortunately in Polish, which I don't speak (do you?), sometimes pictures say more than words ... http://www.koga.net.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=26364&start=160
  17. Michael, It just hit me (unconsious ) , can't you make a kin of feed to the 'tripple' side, as to lengthen the rope ...? Have a look at this man's log, it's Polish and I can't read it, but he's a genious: http://www.koga.net.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=26364&start=160 Actually, look at his entire log. It is AMAZING
  18. can't wait. Looking forward to that. If you succeed and you pop over to Europe, you're welcome here, I'll get you French duck for dinner, with fried potatoes and green beans with tomatoo sauce ..., h*ll I'll even put in a lemon cheese cake for desert
  19. You've been working on the standing rigging. It truely looks very, very good. The change from glossy to mat black on your mast was a vast improvement to. You should have shown some pictures to help future builds.
  20. You are full of surprises!!! Not just shrink, and grow back to normal proportions, but improve, improve, improve .... Thanks Michael, you've got some style!!!
  21. Mihai, Dear friend, it is good to see you back here. I missed your wounderful log. Glad to see you coming up to speed. I'll be 'tacking' along again, and see how you fare.
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