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Everything posted by Mahuna

  1. Hi Patrick - your Engine Bay looks like it will become a dream shop. Looks like that's a fun part of the build - letting your imagination work for you.
  2. Hi Ed - I like your soldering station better - the articulating arms are much more flexible than mine. Mine is about 6 years old, so improvements are expected. As you say, though, it's not a requirement so I don't expect to upgrade from mine - there are many other ways to spend my tooling budget. Here's a link to mine. http://www.gesswein.com/p-1321-grs-soldering-station.aspx
  3. Very nice Mark. I love the lines of the clippers.
  4. Hi Ed Your soldering station looks very similar to one I bought from Gesswein several years ago - although mine only has a fixed base. They're a little pricey, but are a great aid in holding small parts for soldering.
  5. Thanks Mark. Looking forward to seeing your build next month.
  6. Thanks Greg - it was an enjoyable project (most of the time)
  7. Hi Don: I don't know that kit, but generally speaking there are probably steps you can do out of sequence. I think the best approach would be to read through the instructions completely and see if you can determine any reason why you must stay with their sequence.
  8. I concur with grsjax. Sounds like a small bandsaw would be a much better all-around choice. My Excalibur does a great job on curves, but I wouldn't use it for milling lumber. A small bandsaw would do both jobs for you.
  9. Very nice progress Patrick. Looks like a sea-going house on the inside. I'm jealous - I started the planning for my next build around the time you started this project. I'm still in the planning stages and trying to get the lines plans to match the body plans so I can start drafting frames.
  10. Here's what my Waterman friend says about the question: "There was a piece of guard to protect the side. There was also a steel ½ round approximately 1 inch wide by maybe10-15 long nailed at the spot where the chine and bottom met. Yes the updown roller would help keep the dredge off the boat as it was wound in but even more important it helped make the cable last." Hope this answers the question. He also gave me some information on the use of the drudge (his term for it): "He would either alone or both guys together in one motion would kind of push and throw at the same time roll the dredge over the roller. As the nose of the dredge (and btw it’s really a drudge J ) approached the roller one guy would push the nose downward while still pushing out to get the bag to flip up (see pic). This way the bag does not get caught in the teeth and you get no catch in the drudge, in which case you had a very unhappy captain (it was called throwing her fowl)."
  11. in the drawing that Cap'n'Bob included you can see a piece of molding on the side of the hull just below the dredge rollers, called a "guard" that you referred to, on the Willie Bennett plans. My assumption is that this, combined with the sharp incline of the hull, helped protect the hull from the dredge. I have a good friend who actually worked on skipjacks (he's still a Chesapeake waterman) and I've sent the question to him. I'll post his answer when I get it.
  12. Hi Ron - thanks for putting the time and effort into this tutorial. You've obviously developed a lot of knowledge in 3D drafting. Even if I don't follow that path, the closeup images of the winder will be very useful to me.
  13. Excellent work Ed! I'm learning new techniques each time you post some machining work. In the last photo, did you use the jaws of the drill chuck to align the two pieces, or was there an appropriate sized rod held in the drill chuck?
  14. Beautiful work. All of your work appears to follow processes that have been thought through before the final work begins - this shows in the results.
  15. Another excellent saw is the Excalibur. I have the 16" model and love it. If you can find one used and in good shape I would recommend it.
  16. Use of the threaded rod and nut to hold the piece in the lathe is a great idea - thanks for showing!
  17. Thanks for putting the time into this, Ron. It really helps - now I'm starting to think of learning 3D drafting!
  18. Hi Patrick - amazing progress. This will be a beautiful addition to your miniature harbor.
  19. Hi Matti - I just found your log and I'm very impressed with your work. I plan to follow along from here on.
  20. Hi Ron: I would be very interested in the thread.
  21. Hi Mark: Looks like you've made some good progress. Can you bring this model to our next meeting?
  22. Looks like a great start, Gary. I'll be following along.
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