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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Yessir! Have at it! Andy
  2. Well, you do indeed have the correct location
  3. Still working on hatches, and waiting for parts. Nothing really photogenic at the moment. Hopefully sometime over the next week something may show up..... Andy
  4. Here we go, a scrap laker... (Just for Jan )
  5. Yeah, ok... When the time comes, I'm stealing your method.... Looks really good Andy
  6. I'm still looking for something... Hang in there Andy
  7. HMS or HMCS Warrior Andy
  8. It's the USS Freedom, on her delivery voyage. She did a tour of the great lakes. I took that photo as she overtook us in the St Lawrence River near Cap St Charles. She threw such a wake that we started rolling. Incidentally, I did encounter her earlier on Lake Erie and had her plotted on radar doing in excess of 40 knots.... Andy
  9. The hatches on the Stadacona are (were) manual telescoping covers. A step up from wooden board/wedge/tarp covers. The top most covers sit closest to midship, with the succeeding covers progressing outboard. When I get to glueing on the open covers, it will all make sense. Andy
  10. Alright, time for some progress.... Been playing with that nice metal walkway again. I've now got both walkways along the boom installed. All handrails will be applied just before painting as they are fragile and tend to get in the way. As I am once again waiting on parts, I've also started work on the extra hatches. The first and third are the add-ons, the second and fourth are original. I do intend to leave quite a few open to view the cargo inside, but the first 3 and all the added ones will be closed. The kit provides more than enough covers in both positions, so I'm not worried about running out of hatches.... yet... Andy
  11. Don't think this one will be too hard.... Have fun. Andy
  12. Still looking for something... Please hang in there Andy
  13. Well... Even from the thumbnail photo, the markings were distinctly American (kind of the idea of aircraft markings, don't you think? )... After that simply looked up a list of US carriers and sort through until I found a match. I'll have something tomorrow afternoon. Andy
  14. USS Independance (CVL 22) Aircraft markings kind of made that one a give away... Andy
  15. Rigging looks fantastic! Sorry to hear of the other issues. Hope the reno goes ok. Andy
  16. So I made it home yesterday afternoon. This morning, while chatting with the manager at the hobby shop, it would seem that the guy behind Sylvan Scale Models would like to see some of my progress! I guess I'm the first person he's heard of to attempt what I'm doing... Cool! As an aside, the Toronto Railway Prototype Modellers annual Meet will be at Humber college on March 15. I'll have my ship down there (provided I'm not back at work, of course). Let me know if you need more information. Andy
  17. Thanks, Robbyn. Sorry to hear of your difficulties with your Syren build. Hope things work out for you in round two. Andy
  18. Thanks everyone! I'll be out of town this week on a training course, so there won't be any work in the shipyard, maybe it will give my remaining parts time to show up. Andy
  19. First order of business was block and sheaves that direct the topping lift down to the luffing winch. On closer inspection of photos, it turns out these two sheaves are the same size as the others, so that made things a bit easy. The whole assembly is just an oversized (or undersized depending on your perspective) caster, so assembly was pretty straight forward. You can see the block swivels in conjunction with the headblock to keep everything in allignment. Next up is the replacement mesh. no issues with this stuff. Much better material, and a more realistic pattern to boot. Finally, I've begun work on the boom pedestal. This is the assembly that supports the heel of the boom. Pretty self explanitory. Aside from gluing the pedestal to the deck, everything else is just dry fit for now, to allow removal for painting later on. I did a test run reeving some light thread through the blocks and sheaves... it's going to take a lot of line...... something to work on later when things are painted and fixed in place. Andy
  20. Good news, some more of my parts have arrived....namely the mesh I needed. It's a lot better than the aluminium mush, and it's a proper slotted mesh, rather than a chicken wire diamond pattern. I'll have some progress photos later today, possibly. Andy
  21. She'll be fully weathered... Rust, soot, grease, spilled cargo, and all. You've got me there, John.... Maybe you're not made of resin? Andy
  22. I spent some more time the other day working on the headblock. I've just got a few finishing touches left to do. I also got the gooseneck connection to the head of the A frame pretty much finished. A miracle in that I managed to keep the glue away from the working parts, so it pivots and swings freely in all directions required (the capillary action of Tenax is incredible). Last night I also got the first three rollers from my friend. He's done an amazing job, they are perfectly identical to the master I gave him, and aside from some expected flash, there are no defects or bubbles. He makes his moulds and sets them in a vaccuum to get rid of any air bubbles. After he pours the resin, he puts the casting under pressure. I've seen some other examples of his work, it's the finest resin casing I've ever seen. Anyway, just that small update for today. The way things are right now, progress is slow. Just the nature of the monster really. Andy
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