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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Ed, regarding your comments about the shape of the tank, it all comes down to free surface effect. The easiest way to understand this is by taking a glass of water and a small flat Tupperware container. Fill each of them with an equal amount of water. Give each one a shove across a flat surface. The water in the flat container will slosh more than the water in the glass. A mass of water in a tank behaves like a pendulum with its weight acting about the imaginary swing point of the pendulum. This can result in a very serious loss of stability due to a virtual rise in the centre of gravity. This effect can be lessened by partitions in tanks (not necessarily divisions). I can dig up my stability book and give you the mathematical formulas that calculate the rise in the centre of gravity based on the surface area of a tank, if you'd like. Andy
  2. I was hoping he'd do a couple of robertsons.... just for badness (Robertsons = "square recessed" for those who don't know, also referred to as "robbies") Andy
  3. That's a nice parcel you got there! Best kind, full of useful toys for the man-cave.... Uh.... shipyard Have fun, and mind the fingers on the sharp cut-y bits Andy PS.... Whatcha plannin' with all them nice scatch builders tools anyhoo?
  4. Very nice build, congratulations. I would almost say it's a little early for beer... but then, any time is beer o'clock! Andy
  5. Congratulations on your completion. Your weathering really brings her to life. Best of luck on your next build, I will be following along Andy
  6. I remember reading somewhere early methods of anti fouling involved the use of lead (or other non-ferrous) nails. Andy
  7. I've used something similar in the past, but a different technique. One of these days I'll give yours a try, that gives a very nice antique glass effect (at least visible at scale). Andy
  8. I ordered my Pegasus kit from that site. Things arrived in good order with no issues. I should add that when I ordered, he was out of stock and forwarded my order direct to his supplier (Ages Of Sail as it turned out), for shipment direct to me. So I would have to class that in the "good service" category. Andy
  9. Nice colours Popeye! I kind of get your log in fits and starts (kind of like catching episodes 1,6 and 12 of a tv season, but less hard to follow ). Great job nonetheless Andy
  10. Some good news, the Toronto RPM guys finally updated their site with some photos from this years meet (including a couple shots of some large white ship thing... ). http://torontoprototypemodellers.wordpress.com Enjoy Andy
  11. Wow, one year and you're miles ahead of others who've been at it on their builds for far longer (and that's including all the kit bashing you've done).... Nice to have the end in sight, isn't it? Andy
  12. Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately on my build. I've been clearing the CA from my system. I have to do that from time to time I just got another batch of rollers, and with some more inclement weather coming, I'll get to them soon. Andy
  13. Very nice Augie (I think I may have said that before.... I'm not sure..... ) But seriously, she's looking really good. Andy
  14. Can't wait to see your log start. I remember an old Renommee log on the old MSW, it was an impressive model. Andy
  15. Does your ship have sails in the plans? If not, chances are that the pin rail would allow you to belay some of the associated lines there, should you decide to add them. Andy
  16. Looking through my log after seeing the "server upgrade" thread, I've noticed a few photos are missing. If anyone is really desperate to see them I'll re-add them in, but otherwise I'm going to leave everything as is. Since it seems to be rather random which photos are still here and which are missing..... Andy
  17. I think in this case I'd go for a full on sandblasting.... But failing that a deck scaler would have to do. (For those who don't know what that is, just picture the lawnmower from hell) Thanks for the kind words, unfortunately I can see cold and wet on the horizon. My seasonal suffering could start at anytime..... No news yet though.... Andy
  18. Take a grease gun, a few buckets of grease and have at 'er. Start with the grease points on the hatches, then move on to the winches. When that's done grab a wire brush, and a rag and clean and regrease all the threads on the booby-hatch dogs and..... Eh? What? Yeah well, never admit to the first mate you're bored or what to do for exercise..... Andy
  19. So....not much to report. Saturday went well. Aside from the clinics, I couldn't get away from my ship there were too many people asking lots of questions. I didn't manage to get any photos of the other models on display.... Not sure if there were any.. I expect the RPM site to have some photos posted soon, and when they are I'll let everyone know. Andy
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