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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. It's worse when they threaten to bring in the vacuum cleaner before you've had the chance to filter through what may be lying down there.. (small lost parts, important little bits of wood.... screws, nails....)
  2. Hey, now...... I like most of my off topic junk.... Makes me feel right at home...... Makes my build log look just like my work bench
  3. Eventually someone might catch on that we're just talking for the sake of it.... Model ship See! Still relevant...
  4. Kevin, it is actually easier without the upper masts on. I can seize an eye into the upper ends of the shrouds and then slip it over the mast head, rather than havin to feed everything around and try to seize in place. Grant... Yes my workspace looks like the victim of some tornadic experience.... But everything is within arm's reach Andy
  5. Hi Bruce, just a thought for you to mull over, but I'm having some success using acrylic matte medium on my rigging lines. It can be easily brushed on, soaks right in and doesn't cause the line to become slack, or brittle. I don't have to worry if some drips on the model... A quick wipe and what's left just blends in when dry. A 500 mL bottle from Scenic Express will run you only about $6.00 or so... Andy
  6. I think that may be a bit more correct. I'm no expert, but on the odd wooden gaff that I have seen IRL, that was how it was done. Andy
  7. Ah! Ferit, just missed you... The figurehead is made of urethane resin... I've worked a lot with this material for my other hobby (model railroading). It is quite stable and holds excellent detail. All the fancy work on the headrails etc., is photo etched brass supplied with the kit. Andy
  8. Thanks everyone! Adam, I'll admit, I was almost blubbering like you when I was getting into the planning stages of all this rigging. But with some good reference books, it can be done. Just be prepared to spend A LOT of time planning your approach to every line. Getting a good understanding of its purpose and fabrication helps. Sjors.... You're not telling me you're going to use my log as a rigging referrence are you? Larry, you won't believe how much help I've gleaned from TFFM IV.... It's a wonderful rigging teutorial, I would not have got this far without it. Although its specific to Swann Class ships or other sixth rates of that period, the ideas and concepts carry through to larger and later vessels. Augie, I figured Pegasus should be white... I went with my own pseudo-neo-classical vision of the mythical flying horse..... I did highlight the muzzle, eyes and hooves with a dry brush hint of black....Although flash photography kind of washes everything out... Andy
  9. Another thought, you can get aftermarket pieces from Amati... they don't have the mystery (possibly PITA) gap... and should work with the rest of the kit chainplates. Andy
  10. Ok.. for Mr Super-Impatient-Sjors (and all the rest of you kind folks) some photos... Been working away at the main shrouds, one more pair to go on each side. Edging my way slowly towards a bout of rattling... I figure when I get the lower standing rigging done, I'll have a shot at getting the lower shrouds taken care of. Also made a brief stop over under the bowsprit. got the inner bobstay collar done to my liking. Made an attempt at the inner bobstay. It is supposed to be doubled and served all over, but I had issues getting a stong enough splice... I may yet revisit that bit again before this is over.... Andy
  11. I thought he ate only "Pedigree"..... Either way, he's only getting the dry stuff.... There's no way I'm shovelling that rancid canned crap.....
  12. Yeah... That's more the UK term (so I've been told)..... I'll stick with calling them flip-flops.... A confused Dutchman is much easier to deal with than the alternative.. Andy
  13. I'm putting Sjors on notice...... Another run down to the city for the usual reasons (laundry...errands etc), so a little build time gets snuck in. Hence the following advisory: There will be photos forthcoming in the near future, like tomorrow, EDT, at some point.... Andy
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