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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Well....we measured the lake water temperature Monday afternoon.... 62F (that's just the water, mind you ). Not immeditately fatal... but very gasp inducing and far from comfortable. The air temperature is hovering around the mid 20s © Not quite AC weather, depending on the humidity, and we have no AC at the cottage.. just a lake... Anyway, part 2 of my little package of parts. Looking at the open hearts for the stay collars on the bowsprit, I figured I'd try using a closed heart, sanding down the thickness, squaring off the hole and cutting the bottom end off. Presto... a quick and easy collar. I used a 10mm walnut heart from ME. I've also bought a package of 7mm hearts to use for the other stays, and I can use the kit supplied hearts for the bowsprit rigging. The kit says to use deadeyes for the lanyards, but they really should be hearts, and now I have a good supply. I tried to serve some line by hand too.... not very successfully.... I think a trip to the hobby shop is in order... I'm going to try to make my own machine, but I need parts that I don't have on hand... Andy
  2. Nice going... I wonder though, if you tried making your coils up on masking tape and then coating them with acrylic matte medium (no pins or nasty glue needed). If you remember, I did that for my gun tackles on Pegasus. Anyway, it all looks great. Andy
  3. It's a lot of fun. Mind you, for her maiden voyage I didn't put up all the sails I could have... the lake is still just a bit to cold Andy
  4. I heard you'd finished some planking.....I had to go back a few pages....it looks really nice. Andy
  5. Stink boat?! Who're you callin' a stink boat ?! Yes... I do still own my speed boat. She'll be launched some time in June. Andy
  6. Very nicely done. I really like your improvements to the stern and quarter galleries (and your step by step instructions) Andy
  7. Made the drive home today... how nice not to have to deal with all the traffic that was on the road on Monday... A small parcel waiting for me when I got in the door... the bit and pieces I was waiting for... Only a small update to begin with...The cleats at the base of the mizzen mast (some of the parts I was waiting for). Much better appearance than what was suggested in the kit... at least I think so.... And before anyone accuses me of shirking my rigging duties... a picture of what I was up to, from time to time last weekend.. My personal fleet has expanded by one. Am I messed in the head or what? Andy
  8. No.. The skeeters haven't reached that size..... Yet... Mind you, their friends the blackflies are getting very hungry... What a difference a day makes... All the crowds have headed back to the city and lo and behold I can catch up a bit now... Although, I'll be heading home tomorrow, myself... (It's supposed to be...uh...good model ship building weather for the rest of the week).... Andy
  9. Whew....finally.... An unexpected consequence of this weekend... The cellular service up here obviously is not equipped to handle the increase in traffic brought about by the onslaught of weekend warriors to cottage county. The Internet data flow rate is something akin to trying to pump roofing tar through a garden hose.... It has taken me over 45 minutes to get logged in and over to my build log... I'm going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get home... Anyway... a few more days of nice weather to enjoy... and the bugs really aren't too bad.... I'm only down a few ounces... Andy
  10. Hmm..... Another build from the ADD kid...er.....model builder... So you're going to work on the Goth. anytime soon? Andy
  11. Bah... I'll be back in the city next week... ( it supposed to start raining on Monday and carry on through the rest of the week.... Lots of time for rigging... Andy
  12. Heh... No spam...but we do have plenty of hamburgers and beer.... And a nice breeze off the lake to keep skeeters away.... Andy
  13. Just to let everyone know, I've gone north to feed the blackflies for the weekend... Andy
  14. Yeah... An unfortunate side effect of my chosen career... If that had have been on TV... It would have been a continuous bleeeeeep for about a minute and a half... Nothing to really be proud of I'm afraid.... Andy
  15. Believe me when I say that the euphemisms where mild when compared to the explicatives Andy
  16. I'll just toss Kevin a few carrots and fresh veggies... Keep his furry friends occupied for.... 5 minutes or so.. At any rate, just waiting on delivery of a few extra bits and pieces, and rigging shall commence soon after... And I'm actually looking forward to it... Am I crazy?! Andy
  17. Ow! I imagine there where a few choice words spoken there.... Although... You know what "they" say....if you're not bleeding, you're not working hard enough Andy
  18. I wholeheartedly agree, Tom! All in all, like you say, had that happened during rigging.... Just the same... I will be extra carefull, and I'll probably unship the upper masts for as long as possible during the rigging process... Andy
  19. Ben, is not the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result? Call me crazy, or a masochist... But I would love to see a rigging kit for the Confed. Chris, thank you so much for the compliment. It means a lot to me that you feel I'm doing right by this kit. A tribute to an excellent design. John, that was replacement replacement wood (and yes I meant to say "replacement" twice). I think it is really the thickness to which the mast is required to be reduced to.. Any weakness in the wood will readily make itself known. Andy
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