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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Oddly enough, when it comes to weights and measures, I'm bilingual.. Whichever is most convenient at the time... Andy
  2. So.. I'm breathing again. After madly whittling down some cherry wood strip, I successfully finished the fore topgallant mast. Whew... glad that's over with... So for the record.. a few pics, first off, the carnage of broken spars (including what I hope will be the last known photo of the infamous minty mast) Then, the final results for the fore and main topgallant masts. And a few pictures of them dry fit in place... Now just waiting on a few extra bits to arrive in the mail, and I can begin the lower standing rigging... I hope... Andy
  3. I am currently contemplating how much of a pain it would be to plane some 1/4" cherry down to 4mm.... Andy
  4. I don't know really what happened... I carefully checked the grain the the wood... I'd only just started... I'm sure I was not applying too much pressure... I dunno.... Maybe the weather has something to do with it.... Time for a new strategy... Andy
  5. Well... It happened again... This time the fore topgallant mast *%#€% Just starting to taper and "snap" another morning's work down the $#!++er Ratzafratz!! Back to square one again... Andy
  6. John, you'd probably prefer the colourless variety... Just so you don't end up staining your teeth As for the aluminium thing.... Even here there are people who argue over the correct pronunciation... Just go with the small victories.. Getting even one of our American cousins to spell colour correctly is enough to keep me happy... On the other hand... Andy
  7. Thanks, everyone Just to update, the saga of the minty mast is drawing to its inevitable conclusion. I think I have a pretty good idea as to what caused the break in the first place. Although I still suspect I may have sanded a little too vigorously, looking closely at the dowel, it would appear that the grain did a little yeowie and at the point of the break, the mast was almost cross-grained. A few inches up the dowel and the grain yeowed back to parallel... Bottom line, I managed to turn another quantity of walnut dowel into dust and successfully sanded out another spar... Yay. But if anyone needs a minty smelling mast, just let me know... Andy
  8. Thanks Robbyn, but I'm not too concerned yet... I've got a large enough supply of strip wood to keep me busy making mistakes for a good long while yet The minty mast will only be used as a last resort Andy
  9. Thanks Adam I'm afraid the toothpick mast is destined to find itself in the scrap bin. Not right away, though. Have to have another go at making topgallant masts, but if things keeping going like this morning.... Andy
  10. So I was down to the final tapering of the main topgallant mast.. I was sanding away, when there was this sudden, unexpected flexibility in the wood... **&^% I attempted to replace the section with a toothpick, seeing as the length and diameter where close,and I tried to stain the toothpick a sort of walnut colout...... all I ended up with was a blotchy tookthpick... and a vaguely minty smelling mast.... Back to square one.... so much for this morning's work..... Andy
  11. Wayne, you would make a cruciverbalist elated.. Now if we can only get you folks to spell colour correctly.... Andy
  12. Peter, I find myself far from the half-way point... But inexorably beyond the point of no return I had no issues with the strip wood that I used for the mast bands. Being a wood to wood bond, PVA glue worked well... As for the acrylic, for anyone that is interested, I picked up a 1/2L bottle of Scenic Express Matte Medium yesterday for $6.00... Considering a 1/2oz bottle of Polyscale clear matte acrylic is around $3.00, you can see the economies gained. Andy
  13. That was my implication with "eyesight"... I was just trying to be polite about it Andy
  14. There really is no best scale that fits for everyone, just a best scale for you. It's always a factoring of what space you have available, and the limits of your abilities and eyesight. Andy
  15. Hmm...so maybe I'm wrong about the Vickers then.... But it seems the origins of the phrase are still, and forever shall be, shrouded in mystery... Much to the chagrin, consternation, frustration, and obfuscation of all and sundry... And maybe sometime we'll see if I can throw out any more large words in one sentence... Andy
  16. Ok, Augie, you do that then And now for the promised photos... Assembled the topmast crosstrees and trestle trees. Just dry fit to the topmasts for now. Got all the wooldings done on the mainmast, and the additional woolding at the top of the mizzen mast. (Not shown on the plans, but form TFFM IV) And then I felt a little energetic so I turned a dowel (also known as the mizzen topmast) into a tooth pick without breaking it.... whew... Andy
  17. Nice work you've done there, really clean and tight. Can't wait to see more. Have you had a look at Bill Short's (modelshipwright) SOtS build? Andy
  18. In other words, where that expression came from is subject to various interpretations... and the actual origins may never be precisely known. Andy
  19. Good to see you're still "plugging" away at your build (Sorry....bad one, I know, couldn't help it) Andy
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