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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Multi build ??! Am I missing something here? Just what exactly ARE you upto? And more importantly.... should I be concerned for your well being? Andy
  2. Hmm.... to be honest... I think the Hobbyist ADD award rightly goes to Popeye.... Pulling a Sjors is only H-ADD for beginners.. Anyway, good luck with this next project, I'll be following along Andy
  3. I think he's been quietly building up his arsenal.... Hiding it in vaious places around town to keep Anja from discovering it.... And then sneeking in at night and surreptitiously adding more guns and ammo to his ships.... Andy
  4. Thanks BE It seems with some things there are definite hard and hast rules as to how they where done, but with others, there's nothing certain (and lots of conjecture and opinions.. ) Personally, I like a little variation here and there... keep things interesting, or at the very least give people something to talk about. Andy
  5. Yeah.. I can see a lot of potential frustration is possible with something that small and fragile.... but I think the results will be worth the effort. Looks great so far. Andy
  6. Very nice! And you can curse summer all you want... at least you can choose to build, if you so desire... **Mutter mutter** Stupid reality..... Sorry... didn't get any sleep last night... aside from a 2 hour period of dying fish impressions (you know.. lying in bed.. flop.....flop......flop flop............flop flap)... no sleep in over 24 hours... Andy
  7. Way to go Sjors... you woke up the Mississippi Peacemaker..... Now we're all screwed.....with a capital "F".....
  8. Yeah.. that's what I thought..... although I thought I caught something about fishing too...
  9. I can see that..... you've only got half the paint on..... Anyway, she looks good, a very satisfyingly complete planking job, I'm sure And good luck with the coppering Andy
  10. I'm with you there Mark.... quite frankly... I'm a little worried.... I've said it before, and I'll say it again.... No good can come from this....
  11. Very nicely done. I may have said it before, but I always like it when someone takes a stock kit and alters a few small details here and there to make the model exclusively their own. Andy
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