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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. This may not be a frigate, but what about HM Snow "Ontario"? I've seen kits of brigs, cutters and ships, but never a proper snow... I think the circumstances of her loss would be of equal interest to the British, Canadians and Americans. Just thinking out loud Andy
  2. Nice fix. And yes... Do take the dog out.... A nice sunny day and he's stuck inside..... Andy
  3. **nudges Ben** <whispered tone> ahem.... Gary, Gary Larson...
  4. I'm with you there Augie, they where the best cartoons going for quite a long while. Often imitated, never duplicated.
  5. In other words, Sjors gets off scott-free and we all have a good laugh
  6. What? And risk not being able to commit you to a weekend of domestic servitude in order to allow your wife some time to work on her ship models (or whatever other projects she may have up her sleeve)? Now where would the fun be in that?
  7. But at the same time it shows people what could be done. Of course at 1:64 it would be a little easier
  8. Yeah.. ok... I spent some time browsing Far Side cartoons recently.....
  9. The MSW Menagerie continues to grow day by day... and it's also readily apparent that the inmates are running the asylum here.... And there's nothing wrong with that at all...
  10. I can't offer any suggestions... you're doing things pretty much like I would....keep going, it looks great Andy
  11. I think I found Sjors lurking at the fringes of my recent adventure claiming he had some brainwashed seal spying on me..... so I turned his seal into a double agent by tossing it a bucket of fish....
  12. The window frames themselves were photo etch that came with the kit, but with a jig they could easily be made up using styrene or strip wood. If you have a good hobby shop near you, see if they stock Evergreen or Plastruct strips for the styrene option, or Mt Albert Scale Lumber for the strip wood option. Andy
  13. Uh oh.... that is a problem.... maybe you need a straw..... or a foam dome:
  14. Nice job on the whole thing so far. Looks really good. I know there's nothing that can replace the satisfaction of creating parts for yourself, but when I saw you go to the trouble of making all those bolts, I thought I would bring this to your attention. I know it's probably a bit late now, and there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with your work, but something tells me that if you had to do that for a whole warf, you'd drive yourself nuts (bad pun... sorry)... so here: http://grandtline.com/products/mrr/mrr%20details/augmentables.html Andy
  15. Of course I imagine you still require a daily booster to keep up your immunization?
  16. It's actually not that hard to do. All I did on mine was trace the outline of the quarter badges onto some basswood of an appropriate thickness of basswood and with careful cutting and filing, and sanding, it took me about an hour to make each one. Andy
  17. I'm with Chris on this one...make yourself a new one from scratch... at least... that's what I would do. You may have to make a few attempts at it, but when you finally got it right, you'd be much happier. Andy
  18. I guess that goes to show you that snacks are ok... as long as it's popcorn. Everything else carries too great a risk. Andy
  19. I'm talking about different men in white coats..... The ones that take you away to a nice padded room......
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