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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Thanks Mark and Popeye Sjors.......Sjors...Sjors...... Sigh... I dunno, That's all I've got.... Andy
  2. Thanks Robbyn Admittedly, I have had worse birthdays than this... So it's not all bad, especially with all the well wishes from everyone here and at home. Andy
  3. Thank you everyone! Arguably, not the most enjoyable birthday I've ever had, but such is life. Sorry.. no drinks anymore.. not sure how much of a party that would leave us with.... The minute something of interest occurs, I will reactivate my other thread, so stay tuned Andy
  4. Thanks Peter, Frank, Kevin and John Peter, are you sure you don't mean a test of fuzzy focus? Kevin, nice to know I've got wabbit well wishers Andy
  5. This is not so much of an update, it's a nice sunny day, so before I go back to work tomorrow, I thought I'd head outside and try to take a few photos. Andy
  6. Augie and Grant, thank you both very much, but I'd keep an eye on a certain Dutchman while I'm away... I think he's added some contraband ammo to his build.... Wayne, aside from heaving lines and mooring ropes, pretty much everything else is steel wire rope (cable). Although I'm pretty sure I can still manage the odd short splice, it is a little easier working on the real thing. Andy
  7. Hmmm Sjors has been allowed some canonballs.... No good can come from this..... Andy
  8. Ow ow ow! There seems to be a lot of silly business with exacto knives around here these days... Hope you heal quickly though. Andy
  9. Popeye, neither can I..... But I'm going to have to wait like the rest of you Robbyn, it's all in understanding what each piece of rigging is trying to achieve, and then trying to emulate it. Know your knots and splices, or at least how to fake them (more important for splices at this scale). For example, I made the seizings above the deadeyes by simply tying a clove hitch and turning it in. I subsequently added just one more half hitch to give the seizing some depth. Nothing really fancy, and maybe not correct if you ask the militant purists.... But I'll leave that for posterity to judge Mark, you guys and gals are all good for the ego, but I won't let it get to my head. Honestly all these positive remarks are very flattering, and I hope I continue to measure up. This past month has been a real adventure, from the masting, to the start of the standing rigging. I'm always amazed looking back, how much I've accomplished. I just wish I could work on her all the time.... But I'm not made of money and I have to work for a few more years yet. Andy
  10. Thanks every one Adam, I'm glad you (and many others) think my work is neat and tidy. The are a few things I would like to improve upon next time, but overall I am happy with the results Peter, thanks for the sketch. The photos don't show it too well, but I did round off that end of the mouse. Maybe I'll do it a little bit more on the next one Ben and Sherry, thanks once again for your support John.... Next time... Andy
  11. Thank you, Randy, Harley and Ferit Randy, I would honestly recommend the Pegasus over the Fly. Don't get me wrong, both are equally nice kits to build, I just feel that with the upgrades that come with the Peg, there are more things that can be done (read: modified) with her. Although there is an upgrade kit for the Fly, I haven't ever seen one in stock or for sale. Harley, don't worry, I'll gladly share my plans with MSW members. Ferit, thanks for stopping by. I'm quietly enjoying your Berlin build as well. Andy
  12. So just a couple more pics this morning. Another look at the mizzen stay collar lashing and the lanyard. I came about as close as I dared get to an actual rose lashing (I did have to look that up online, found this link: http://www.frayedknotarts.com/tutorials/roselash/roselash.html), ok maybe not quite, but it works. The kit says to use 3mm deadeyes, but I used a couple of hearts I had. They may be a bit oversized, but they are more correct (I think). I've also snugged up the shrouds and tied off the deadeye lanyards. When that was all done, I gave the lines a coat of matte medium so things don't get too fuzzy while I'm gone. Andy
  13. Thanks everyone David, do you want/need a copy of my fabrication instructions? Grant, thanks for looking in Tom, thanks I am certain it is the Mamoli version, which really isn't all that bad. Augie, that mouse is one thing that surprised me..... It really wasn't that hard to make. Popeye, such is my fate, just when things are going well, stupid reality rears its ugly head Call me crazy.... But I am really enjoying the rigging. Once I figure out various servings and seizings, where they go, and, most importantly, how to make them, (which is where my machine proves it is much more valuable than the sum of its parts), I love just sitting back and picking at the various lines.....and yes, I know I haven't got to the ratlines yet.... Andy
  14. BE: Thanks for the help. I can quickly change the stay. I think I slightly misread the book. Since nothing is secure yet, easy change I will surely pick your brain a bit more as I get deeper into the rigging. Kevin, about the only thing that's safe to bring along are instruction manuals; they fit in suitcases and can withstand a little roughy handling Andy
  15. Nice build, but I feel I must chime in on the rig, it is, in fact, a lug rig. Notice how the gaff runs along the head of the sail, as opposed to at an angle to the peak, like the sprit. Andy
  16. Thanks BE Just quickly eye-balling the fore and main tops, I should be ok. I may need to joggle the spacing a little bit, but I hopefully won't have to relocate any battens. I'm probably also just going to drill a simple hole, rather than making a slot. I have some ideas to test in the future. Incidentally, for the mizzen stay collar, did I do that somewhat correct? Andy
  17. Micheal: Don't worry... I won't So a small update as work in the shipyards begins to wind down again. A little prep-work on the mizzen stay. I made the mouse out of a piece of 1/8" dowel painted black. Also, you can see the lashing where the stay attaches to the main mast. Wasn't really sure how this was supposed to be done properly, so I followed what TFFM IV said for the bowsprit collars and tried to make something plausible. Incidentally, for those keeping score at home, I've decided to at least try attaching the blocks under the fore and main tops with toggles, instead of the eyebolts on the crosstrees. I don't think I'll get to that anytime this weekend but we shall see. It all depends on how badly I want to wrap up the lower mizzen mast standing rigging. Andy
  18. Grant: Don't plan on drying out until I have to go back to work (late Monday or early Tuesday) Popeye: not sure who built the model, possibly donated by someone who knew of, or was a fan of, the company... Can't say for certain Andy
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