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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. For my Confed, I'm just planning on getting a couple pieces of quarter round and nailing them to a plank, I'll just use some of the master sheet to determine width to separate them. Andy
  2. Your build looks to nice to stick with that lump of metal you were supplied with. I'd go for it anyway, at least you could make a nicer transom piece, come back to the carvings later. Andy
  3. So the promised photos. The fore top painted. Made the bands around the mast out of some stripwood I had lying about. The the mizzen top mast, shaped, but not yet tapered. And finally the main top mast all ready to go. It was nice to break out the paint again and get some colour on things. Still got a lot of tedious detail work to go on the other two masts and on the bowsprit. Can anyone who's built this kit tell me what the six blocks under the fore and main tops are for and on which spreader arm they go? I want to at least get the eyebolts in place before the rigging starts... and the plans don't really make it clear what they are for and where exactly they go... (And I don't want to find out the hard way) Andy
  4. Well, maybe not entirely evil... It just attracts all sorts of.... Pests That....and the kernels get stuck in your teeth... Andy
  5. Kevin, please ensure your wabbits are in a safe location, I don't want any harm to come to them... I'm going to hire an exterminator... There are too many vermin (marginally, the 4 legged variety) running around here... I think it is due to Sjors leaving the popcorn machine running unattended... Andy
  6. Do you finally get Sjors to take you out for that nice dinner? Have a great birthday Andy
  7. Just a quick update... Will have photos tomorrow... Got the mizzen top mast cut and shaped, just needs to be tapered. I've also decided, that for a change of pace, I'm going to finish up the detail work on the lower masts so I can start a bit of rigging. As much fun as making sawdust is, I need a bit of a breather... Andy
  8. Actually I don't have the other volumes. I have built other wooden ship models in the past (don't ask), but never a full rigged ship. The more I looked at the "instructions", the more my eyes got crossed... And then I saw Gil's Victory... And my head started spinning a bit... So I thought that for the rigging I needed a little bit more help... And the rest is history... I may yet go back and buy the other volumes, just to have as a reference.. You never know.... Andy
  9. Hi Adeline, just missed you I'm going to end up finishing this build by hand. Sorry to hear about the rain... But at least it's not snow From just a quick skim through the book, there is a lot of good info that will supplement the kit diagrams nicely. Just what I needed, I hope Andy
  10. Who ever made that lathe... Made it a very long time ago... It belonged to my Grandfather. And for the next few weeks, as long as the weather remains pleasant, I will be back and forth from the cottage with a fair degree of regularity. As for the book, ordered it online two weeks ago... I can't find books like that in local bookstores around here either... Andy
  11. I wonder if it is some sort of Dr Jekyll and Mr Ed type thing....
  12. I'm glad you see some potential in that thing... There are rumours the missing pieces are somewhere in a box... Although given my recent experiences and Danny's advice... I'm going to stay away from drill chucks... Andy
  13. Back to model ship building... First up... For Michael, a nice photo of the beast sitting in the shed (Never mind the golf cart in behind ) As you can see.. it's missing more than a few parts..... and it's really more designed for heavy wood turning like furniture parts etc. Started work on the main topmast today.. got about as far as you see in the photo... then the postman showed up and work was suspended... hopefully what showed up at the door will help in the long run.... Andy
  14. If you want your thimbles to close better, try filing the inside edges so when they meet, they will close flat. It may take away some of the channel at the end, but this is proper for a full sized thimble. Otherwise, job well done Andy
  15. Haha.. Thanks Popeye The lake was still a bit on the "absolutely f****** frigid" side of things.... and due to some serious water miss-management on the Gull River system... 5 feet higher than normal... The back of our property is normally a fern swamp... this year it's what you may call "navigable" ... Add to the fact that the prevailing winds and currents bring anything adrift in the lake our direction... Between us and the neighbours... We've got quite the collection of flotsam... Oh what fun... Of course now that they've got everything opened up to allow the excess water upstream down, we're all hoping they don't forget and drain the lake altogether... Time will tell... Andy
  16. Another CA casualty... I would stress good airflow... Not just ventilation. I have a ceiling fan that can move a lot of air across my workspace, this helps dissipate any CA fumes. Natural passive ventilation just won't do. As long as your eyes and skin is not affected, you should be ok with just a disposable Niosh "paper" dust mask, and a fan. I'm not sure... But try something with pseudoephedrine in it (Tylenol or Advil cold medecin), it seems to help me "dry up" as it were. Hope you feel better... Andy
  17. That's a pretty nice set up.. But I think, given the work in setting one up.... I'd still rather go for the real thing... Andy
  18. I need to do this with something better than my IPhone... Andy
  19. Kester... It means that when I go to throw a heaving line that has been coiled by a south paw...it will run out like a rats nest.... That event is usually followed by loud cursing...some mild embarrassment and a search for the culprit..... Andy
  20. Not to worry... I've still got many things to get out of my system (read: kits) before I go down that road.. I also need to buy a few power tools.... And learn how to use them properly.... Anyway... Up at the cottage this weekend.. Given the nice weather (finally!!), couldn't pass up the chance... Earliest opening day yet! Most years we wait for the May TwoFour weekend. (Victoria day or whatever you call it in England or Oz... Ours boils down to a reference to a case of beer... And a general idea about what is done.... Head north with friends... Light a fire and sit around it late into the night drinking said beer and feeding black flies....) So the long and the short of it is... A relaxing pause from the work bench... But I'll be back at 'er soon enough... Andy
  21. Coiling clockwise is also the natural coil for a right handed person. Andy
  22. I think it boils down to the fact that the ultimate expression of this hobby, as far as intricacy and accuracy go, is the scratch built plank on frame model... So within those parameters... It is inevitable... It is unavoidable... Andy
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