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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. It's actually not that hard to do. All I did on mine was trace the outline of the quarter badges onto some basswood of an appropriate thickness of basswood and with careful cutting and filing, and sanding, it took me about an hour to make each one. Andy
  2. I'm with Chris on this one...make yourself a new one from scratch... at least... that's what I would do. You may have to make a few attempts at it, but when you finally got it right, you'd be much happier. Andy
  3. I guess that goes to show you that snacks are ok... as long as it's popcorn. Everything else carries too great a risk. Andy
  4. I'm talking about different men in white coats..... The ones that take you away to a nice padded room......
  5. You just keep saying that to yourself....... I'll send for the nice men in the white coats to come and get you
  6. But there is at least one big nut.. A nice paint job, like everyone says, I do like the paler yellow, separates them from the English a bit more... Andy
  7. Incredibly well done! I don't disagree with your decision to paint her, for the reasons you gave. In the name of consistency, she should be painted. Or... you could chalk this up as a separate model and finish it up un-painted and display it on it's own.... (just sayin', is all ) Andy
  8. Hey Sjors... grab a broom, you're needed in the lounge.... someone's spilling peanuts all over the place... and you've been volun-told to clean up duties..
  9. It didn't take you too long to get back on the go after your mishap. Looks good, hopefully nothing more will go amiss. Andy
  10. I think I pretty much intend on following Chuck's instructions to the letter (as best I can). As for a building board, I plan on tacking down a couple pieces of quarter round moulding to a good plank. Andy
  11. I'll put the men in the white coats on standby.... Not to drag him off to some padded room or something... Just have them ready to puff him with a bag of sawdust every now and again...
  12. Many people have done just that. It can look really good when well executed. Andy
  13. Looks like you're off to a good start. I'm holding off on mine until I get my Pegasus finished (I'm guessing another year or so for that), so I can concentrate exclusively on the Confed. It has all the hallmarks of a masterfully executed kit. Did you get the canon and figurehead replacements from Chuck? Andy
  14. See Sjors! I told you he was up to something! Still don't know exactly what..... That Popeye can be real cagey when he want's to be.. Andy
  15. Great start, and good choice for your firts build. I'm sure you'll enjoy building her. Another resource for tools that is local to both you and I, is George's Trains in Markham. Clamps, pin vices, files, paint, whatever Andy
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