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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. I was thinking a nice piece of plexi glass with a cutout shaped like her hull at her waterline, where she could rest. Would give the appearance of floating... Plus the "sea floor" could be scenicked as well. Andy
  2. Wow... Impressive. She really looks like a working ship. Any thoughts on how you're going to display her? Andy
  3. Very nice. I found with my rudder, the rigging lines for the tiller do a pretty good job of holding it in place, while providing enough spring so that should it get knocked about, no damage will be done. Andy
  4. Just a short update today. No photos yet because what I've been doing hasn't much changed her external appearance. Eye bolts..... Dozens of them... And dozens more yet to go. Every time I look at the plans I find more to put on. And it's a lot of fun reconciling the locations indicated on the plans with where they are going to end up going on the model... And then trying for consistent symmetry. Andy
  5. Well... I did make it home friday evening... Just taking a brief reprieve... I'll be back up an building soon.. one thing about these winter meetings, although the day is dedicated to seminars and other stuff... the evenings are predictably.... um... well... let's say "lubricated" Once I get my head back in it, I'll be going full tilt again Andy
  6. I think it depends on the goal you are striving for (and yes I think everyone should try it at least once). If you are striving for an accurate replica of the vessel as it appeared at a specific time, and at that time it was coppered, then for the sake of accuracy it should be coppered. If, however, you are showcasing your abilities as a master planker (or whatever), then the option presents itself of foregoing the copper. But the most important caveat is simple: it's your build, do it as you see fit. Andy
  7. Another thought... what about 1/2 round styrene like Bob's Constitution? Andy
  8. I've got to say, she looks really good... But I must agree with some of the other comments, that she'd look a whole lot better weathered up to match the pots. Andy
  9. Geez I forgot about this one... I swear you must have some sort of hobbyist's ADD Keepin us on our toes Andy
  10. There are commercial products available: http://www.micromark.com/patina-it-4-fl-oz,7268.html I've used similar stuff to good effect on a model copper roof. Andy
  11. Yeah.... Being around ships and then having them as a hobby..... Some kind of sickness I think.... BTW if you have any technical questions about the real thing, don't hesitate to ask..... I relish the opportunity to haul out my old text books Andy
  12. I have to agree with the others, you've been doing a real nice job here. You're obviously not afraid to experiment, or bring in techniques from other hobbies to get the effect you desire. Here's looking forward to you first scratch build, whenever that may be Andy
  13. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result? Andy
  14. Nice job with the second planking I always say, when you're not sure about a certain finish (paint or stain or whatever), make a sacrificial square of the same material so you can test the outcome...before putting yourself through what you just went through. Hope you get her all remedied to your satisfaction nonetheless. Andy
  15. How have you managed to keep all this straight?! Not one, but two lobster boats...the America, the Gothenborg (am I missing anything?), and now this! You're keeping us all busy following along Andy
  16. Thanks Rusty, Pat and Jason It will be a little while yet befor I am able to do another proper update as I am currently half way through a company sponsored training course half way across the county...... To be followed next week by the annual winter meeting.... So as always... Work finds a way to interfere. Luckily this time only for a short while, but the season is fast approaching... The Seaway opens March 22nd... Andy
  17. **snicker** I hardly feel like I'm racing along here... but if you think so... that's ok Andy
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