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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Eitan, thats a lovely and interesting Project you are undertaking, I also love These NY bay sandbaggers with their fine lines and large sail areas for skimming the waves. Also very interesting that you went to to a lasercutting Service shop with your own scaned in Framework drawings. Can imagine that its not so easy for the lasercutter to determine if its inside- or outline cut on the drawn line Nils
  2. Hi Danny, I love the way you do the selfmade Fitting out rigging parts, probably many thoughts and Prior Trials went into the parts manufacturing, until they meet with your satisfaction, well done ! Nils
  3. excellent work Alexandru, Thanks for sharing... I love your beautiful build, the skilled handcraft that goes with it and all its detailed Features, The Messenger cable / anchor Arrangement also Looks very good. I is a delight to see this model grow Nils
  4. Very nice work Remco, you`re giving all honor to that saying in your signiture.... Nils
  5. beautiful work Danny, the making of the deadeyes in Wood and brass Looks very nice. The torch heated Joints with silver solder are very well done. Thanks for sharing that pic sequence Nils
  6. Very sweet build Sal, The Phantom Looks great with the black hull, natural deck Color and Sub waterline coppering Nils
  7. Hi David, the bamboo here (4 and 5 mm rods) in the pic is natural Color, I just leave it this way and put on a varnish after shaping, You could`nt visualy tell if it is bamboo, it Looks like normal Wood afterwards Nils
  8. Hi Marc, Trust you are preparing for a great Job to be done on the Staatenjacht. Boxes full of Frame fragments look like a large 3D puzzle to me right now, guess all parts are clearly marked. Nice Workshop susiduary on the lawn of your garden, thats the right attitude when the sun is shining..., wish you good process and fun with the build Nils
  9. Hi Popeye, Bob and Pete, again many thanks for your Kind and appreciative words, I am waiting for Peterssons`s book "Rigging Period Ship Models" to be deliverd these days and to get some more Information on the rigging process , which I trust will bring some inspiring Input together and in addition with the Amati plan Nils
  10. beautiful work Mike, I like the many accurate joinings, great looking...... Nils
  11. Thank you Martin, the bamboo I saw by coincidence at the local crafters market in the dept (gardening) for sticks to Support and tie flowers to. The bamboo Comes in bundles, round sticks 4 mm 15 lengths each 40 cm long, and 5 mm diam. 10 lengths each 60 cm long I´m so glad to have found this, it is a super strong material and so easy to shape and taper, a bundle is less than 1 EURO Nils
  12. Build log part 54 Still doing the masting........ The Moderators must have changed the pic loadoing System, I ca`nt get my comments to the pics, will have to inform myself how to do... accordingly soon. The lower fore- and mainmast are made frome spruce, the topmasts from beech The lower mizzen is beechwood und the upper mizzen is from bamboo.That was necessary to get the required strength into the fragile beams. The upmost mizzen-pole is spruce and can be slipped in and out of the socket of the underneath mast Portion. The upper cheek areas under the top platforms shall be blackend as well, including the upmost woolding. The platforms have gotten safety netting. The shroud resting batten-Cages are Special and complete soft soldered from the recently made squarebands and 8 pieces of 0,8 mm brass wire. I think those shall be left in brass and not blackend Build log part 55 to follow... Nils
  13. Martin, the 32 mm Barrel has its Major mass behind the Pivot Point, so it would like to Point upwards with the opening like it should. Leveling out and aiming is done with the wedge, and besides that the upper inner gunport opening Limits the Barrel to Point too much upwards (depends on the size of your port openings). I put those metal hoops around the carriage wheels, which lifts the Pivot Point a wee bit higher anyhow. Nils
  14. What a lovely build John, it is a delight to see this model, wonderful lines, and the cradle also Looks superbe ! Is the centerboard (dark space on keelup pic) workable ? NIls
  15. Hi Omega, Thank you very much for your appreciative words. I built two tallships nearly simultainiously. The "Gorch Fock" was completed first and many experienced "how to do tasks" could be adopted and tried out for my "Pamir" build, which completed appr. two months later Nils
  16. Hi Martin, transom is understood, but no, not included. I just left it away as the barrel requires some space in the carriage front and the transom would not be visable from above anyhow Nils
  17. Martin, I`m not sure what is meant with "transom", but the kit contains : 8 sidewalls, 4 gunbarrels with pivot pins, 16 wheels, 8 axiles, 4 tapered wedges. The cap squares are not included Nils
  18. Yes correct Martin, the RB Barrels are offered in different lengths. I chose the 32 mm length to fit the 20 mm Long carriages. RB also offers small kits each comprising 4 Gun-Barrels and 4 carriages at a fair price Nils
  19. Hi Martin, I used RB carriages for mine as well, together with the 32mm Long 6-pounder gunbarrels. The Pivot Point of the gun Barrel does not come too high with those, so they wo`nt foul the upper inner gunport opening edge Nils
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