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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. just a little bit of patience Ron:)) first custom fee payments etc...so few more days. i feel your curiosity im probably anxious ...working on stand atm.
  2. good day all just a quick update here, I got a message from customs today to pick the parcel from U.S. gosh what a relief, cant wait though to see it and measure !!! my scaling doubts etc... and continue. meanwhile i settled on red shades. it will be carmine like, more vith violet, darker pigment in it, here is the pic. no matter what angle light is affecting it a bit, its a color Chuck put on cheerful. slifghly subtler than shiny red. happy holidays vlad
  3. i love to see old lovely transferring methods... tedious but there something into it wishing all luck V.
  4. Good weekend folks, gunports are ready ( apart of three at bow which should come later... ) I took veeeeery slow aporoach with those ( 3 days :)) as instantly understood that even slight not sqaured line would destroy line shape in planking from every point so i tried my best ( complaints to my eyesight:)) firstly i checked bottom of boat to see if rabbet line is straight ( as i dont have keel yet secured)....i unglued one piece of these sticks as straighten shape - and then glued back one that fit correct shape. then i Slowly found my way and after some initial struggle and unsucessful attempts to get shortcuts by batch i found out that measuring every piece with pencil is fastest and shortest method. I made square mold with shape of sunports so that gave measure and shape easily. I made sure to sand endings as flat as possible so they could stick to the surface as tightly as possible as i dont want them to unglue when sanding. Im still scared how i am supoosed to sand them safely. :)) maybe someone has a safe hint? i have to read Chucks amazing tutorial closely. From here i take a xmass break and wish Everyone safe healthy and merry christmas ! So i can start after christmas with upcoming parts and with pleasant work comparing to theese two initial tortures ..i look forward to keel stern structure and paintm after that i smell horror because someone call it "fun part" - panking but frok gunports line i see all of them will have to be bent ;D so scared. Thank you for comments etc...and enjoy the pics.
  5. Well i may change the mind im mesmerized by darker look lately with white windows as shown on i think Jj winnie. i may darken hull by a bit to get something similar to cherry. and for gunports im picking now simple acryl cadmium red from winsor newton, i hope it will be dark red by a lot if i dont dilute it too much. .but thats quite a long ahead ..:) so i may be one of those that would like it to look darker than rather light colored. in not there yet so depends how luck plays on :)) v.
  6. Ron, thank you for encouragement. your is impressive . im set on european limetree , ( or baswood if you wish) ( by the way a national tree of my country :)) but it is a bit stronger i guess. for simple reason, i have one big batch of it spared. so i ordered blonde version of stem from Chuck. i dont know how much that cedar differ colorwise but that is to observe later on...:)
  7. Hi Martin, yes Im happy working again. cant wait to see those galleries , but i hope i wont spoil planking im novice in that. but Chucks and others instructions are top notch im so glad i got into this. are you building something yourself now?
  8. Good day, continued today. Happily took winnie to my room upstairs. I observed few of folks winnies and must say they are all being worked beautifuly. Day two chapter one. I did few small but important revisions and repairments from yesterday. Firstly i built swiftly temporary stand out of styren so i could turn skeleton back to repair unglued rabbet linem. I cut, cleaned and glued up small piece of rabbet that unglued, attached sgernpost rabbet, and faired hull here and there. Than i started with fastening bulwarks extentions. Took it slow. First two three are a bit scoopy though..:/ Like that work anyway it is pretty relaxing doing it while listening to music. I plan to continue tomorrow tith bottom starboard side and than building up upper line. Using only handsaw and sandpaper and pencil so far. Enjoy. As far as I didnt fair all middle extentions being dark brown still they are absolutely flat so i think they are ok like this. . V.
  9. oh yes thats proper workshop:) grandpa worked there father snd son now:) there is no heating though. but good excercise with hand planer and i end up wearing tshirt :)) well, sanding dust cannot go to room. i feel for you but ahe will go to my room as well as i like working on the desk. and i made 1:24 cutty sark last year halfly in my room sitting on carpet. there was swearing around but they got used to it. this time they asked why i am going downstairs with her - i just answered - sanding:D
  10. Hi guys, sanding hull in one go. As I feared those sticks or upper walls quite a lot, to find out a way not to break them. I found my way apparently as i used mirroring gap between them - leftovers from laser cut wastage. Just clipped them up, viola. I would not have dared to sand them without that support. i was able to put some pressure on sanding blocks without any fear. just to move sandpaper vertically, no horizontally. used no60 and no 120.... and you were right poplar worked like a charm. i thanked for it massively. Im worn out like a... but happy i hate this tedious work. I went skowly and checked sandings properly with strip of wood. Tomorrow making proper standing board and gluing together those beasts so they wont be so fragile hopefully anymore. Point is? Not one broken bone so far! from there I am on track... just waiting for the parts to arrive so i can continue look at my horrible instalments to fix her so she didnt wobble.:)) those squareholes worked - vice, some wooden block...:))
  11. I started guys. So happy back in modeling, missed it. Decided to attach keel later when arrives. Doesnt bother me at this point i can fair hull and insert those pieces of wood between upper walls. I think i cut off a bit more around stern post than it should so i will check it when sternpost arrived. Plenty to work meanwhile. Plan and lasercut is so precise. If i struggle wuth something ill ask. Thank you vlad.
  12. Ron thank you ! much appreciated. it seems OK. anyway even if not, game is on! already started. Chucks plan is so precise i never come across such skeleton, as bulkheads are so close its faboulous. i admire folks who make own bulkheads as i made few myself but this was piece of cake so precise. i had to push them down by hammer. ...
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