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Posts posted by AlexBaranov

  1. Two different types of rudder are the fruits of endless disputes (and how it was in fact ...). That to me did not stir I completely stopped publications on the Russian-speaking forum. In fact, very much has been done. All these are parts which, after manufacturing, are laid out in boxes (mostly milling and casting). And all these details will be visible in the process of installation on ship hulls.In addition, the project is moving slowly. I'm not healthy and hard to work with.

  2. Thank you. However, this ship is a "very dark horse" ... There are many photographs and drawings, but the documentation is very different in content. It is extremely difficult to recreate the historical image. This is not surprising. Throughout life, the ship was rebuilt many times. And in the Bolshevik period of existence, the ship changed beyond recognition. The ship was turned into a minesweeper. It's sad. The magnificent yacht was disfigured.

  3. On 11.04.2017 at 8:15 PM, wefalck said:

    Looks more like the finish of the small boat production ;).  Some pictures of the construction would be nice !


    I think you are a professional. In both senses of the word, in terms of the quality of the products, I gather also economically speaking ?


    This time I do not make boats. For all my career I built several thousand boats. So now I can entrust this work to another person and control the fulfillment of my plan. In my opinion, this man copes well with my thoughts.

  4. On 12.04.2017 at 5:35 AM, dvm27 said:


    On 12.04.2017 at 5:35 AM, dvm27 said:

    Fascinating casting and the small boats look beautiful, Alex. It looks like you cast far more parts then you can use on your two models. Do you sell the rest or just keep them in case you mess one up?

    Hello Greg
    I do the details for the two ships. But I always make a small margin (to compensate for possible marriage during casting). It happens to lose wax patterns.

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