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Everything posted by Papa

  1. Coming along quite nicely. A very interesting looking ship. It is nice to have a change from fully rigged ships, nicht wahr.
  2. There are some tiny pieces in this model! I have to cut out and attach 16 of these little buggers around the funnels.
  3. Turned out that the scale was too small to use the bandage stuff. I just wrapped some thread around the stay and made a reasonable approximation. Good enough for my old eyes anyway.
  4. It has taken a while to figure out all the pieces for the funnels. i think I've got it. Some touch-up paint needed I see.
  5. I need to make a mouse for my Granado. This looks like a good technique.
  6. i purchased the kit around 2008, I think it was, when we were visiting Maine and I stopped into their facility in Searsport, ME and got around to building it just a couple years ago. Perhaps the kit had been up-graded since that time. It might even have been a Laughing Whale kit in a Bluekacket box. I have a Laughing Whale model of Slocum's "Spray" that I had been sort of reluctant to start. I just re-read his "Sailing Alone Around the World" and that has encouraged me to give it a go.
  7. And I should add: Cathead’s model looks fantastic. Could be taken for a real boat with some clever photoshopping
  8. I also built this lobster boat and had similar experiences as cathead: bulkheads not correct and needing shims etc. I also thought the plans were very poor and the instructions often bore little relationship to the plans. The wood was brittle and I was constantly fixing broken parts. Over all I was very disappointed with the kit, as I have been with other the Bluejacket kits I built: ironclads Monitor and Virginia.
  9. I love the jig for the bulkheads. You should do a short construction article on that alone!
  10. The detail is amazing. You have a steady hand and a sharp eye. This model just blows me away.
  11. Don't think that is necessary, the cradle is foam-core poster board so not likely to injure me. But, point taken, the edges might get in the way. I will see how it goes as i progress. Not sure what to do for a permanent mount if she ever gets finished.
  12. i made a quick cradle for the Helgoland and started the deck furnishings.
  13. Neat workspaces are a sign of a disturbed mind.
  14. Now that I have nearly finished the hull I have learned some valuable lessons. 1. Use white glue VERY sparingly. 2. Keep your workspace spotless so that you don't lay a critical part on some wet paint 3. Thicken the bulkheads or add lots of longitudinal bracing so that all of the hull plates lie smoothly. 4. Trim the seam-hiding strips so that the additional armor plates do not overlap and leave an ugly bump. 5. Write part numbers on the back before cutting out. I can't wait to see what I learn as I attempt the deck furnishings.
  15. Attaching the bulwark strips. Looks like I need to get some touch-up paints.
  16. Trip to Italy was the Tauck "Classic Italy". We started in Sorrento and the Amalfi coast, then went to Pompeii, Rome, Orvieto, Assisi,San Gimignano, Cinque Terre, Florence, and Venice. A fantastic trip
  17. Back from our tour of Italy and back to my models. Almost finished with the lower hull. Adding the seam hiding strips
  18. I did a log on the Chaperon by Model Shipways and I am doing a paper model now--Helgoland
  19. Impressive work. I will have to pay attention and perhaps learn something. My plastic models never come out well.
  20. I fill the larger cracks with slivers of wood. They blend in very nicely when sanded.
  21. FYI, I wont be posting over the rest of the month. Mrs and I are taking a trip to Italy to celebrate our 51st wedding anniversary. We missed out 50th celebration as my wife needed gall bladder surgery. Good thing we had trip insurance!
  22. Hmmm. Just tried to delete in an edit. Didn't work
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