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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Hey well done Meredith; the first is always the hardest in anything new you try when attempting something out of your comfort zone (please, I mean this sincerely, I am in no way intending any condescending comment here) - You will be producing copious amounts of your own scratch made planks and ropes now; what's next - carving That's still one art/skill I haven't generated sufficient 'nerve' to attempt yet cheers Pat
  2. That is some very 'sweet' work Danny; they look great and even survive the 'close-up' inspection where the camera will portray every little blemish! cheers Pat
  3. Thanks for looking in Texxn; its been a bit of a slow build of late as I have been using my time planning/preparing a big holiday I am about to take, so no progress on her until a bit further on unfortiunately. I have been working on the spars in the background, and practicing making rope so I will be ready to go The workshop is safe thanlkfully (god willing); this is my revenge for/from my divorce (my mid-life toy so to speak) - took a while to save for it though! Great place to spend a bit of time with my boys (and the 'boys') to make a little sawdust and then have a coldie. Did you get a chance to see the Aussie V8s doing their thing over your way last weekend? cheers Pat
  4. What a fine lady of the sea you have nearly completed there Popeye; a very nice build. Those flemish coils came up OK mate; nothing that a bit of drying time on the glue won't fix . I tend to make them up the same way I did in real life; I start with the standing end and make large concentric loops onto a flat shiny/slippery surface, working inwards (as a spiral) until the end bit is in the centre. Then using my fingers to keep the whole lot flat I spin the coils CW/CCW (depending on the lay of the rope) and gradually tighten the coil - a very light coat of diluted PA and its done. Works for me, but may need a little practice. cheers Pat
  5. Very nice Ilhan, the flat/matte finish of the paintwork is very complimentry to the natural timer and really sets it off. cheers Pat
  6. Nice work Mark - you'll probably find the missing one just as you finish all four cheers Pat
  7. Nice work on that bulkhead Dan, the doors and screens look great! cheers Pat
  8. Thats a great job to date Toni, you should be very happy (and proud) of your efforts so far - only 22 months, that's supersonic speed compared to my efforts cheers Pat
  9. Mark, your 'selfless contribution' to the ship modelling cause is much appreciated - now back to a little more of that 'Irish Red' but only after you do your work The blanks have come up very nicely; I agree with the repeatability achievable with a mill - without one, there is no way I could do it without many errors (and much more wasteage) cheers Pat
  10. Hi Meridith, mine has rusted also. I now keep it relatively under control using Camelia oil (Japanese)
  11. Very nice work on both Toni, a very complimenting build. cheers Pat
  12. Hello again Piet, it has been a while since commenting but I have been watching this marvellous build - she looks great! cheers Pat
  13. Great to see an update Mark and to hear all is proceeding well with your wife's recuperation. Mk IV deck, now that has to be some form of record huh - seen plenty of action by the sound of it cheers Pat
  14. Sorry Popeye, I see where you are coming from, but that was not the intent - you're a braver man than me if you wish to train snakes to do anything but scare away any unwanted visitors - most of them are far scarier than the spiders cheers Pat
  15. That lantern came up a treat Slog; nice work. It will look very good in place. cheers Pat
  16. Hi John, that little beauty is coming along magnificently - great work! Now that you let the cat out of the bag re the spiders; who are you going to scare away when they find out about the snakes (and the ....) cheers Pat
  17. Drunk or not Danny, them there spiders would probably produce better ratlin's then me cheers Pat
  18. Good catch; better to get it before the glue sets - you had a stroke of luck there Rowand - welcome to the Endeavour model builder's group cheers Pat
  19. Paul, that is some superb work mate, I can only to the quality of your workmanship! cheers Pat
  20. Very nice work once again Danny, very clean and well defined edges and bevels. Now, when you finish with those spiders, reckon they'd survive air transport down my way cheers Pat
  21. Nice clean work Slog; looking very good. you will catch me before I know it, so I had better pick up my pace! cheers Pat
  22. Brian, are you thinking of cheating on your scratch build cheers Pat
  23. Ditto Garward, much appreciated. cheers Pat
  24. Take a bow Anatoly; that is superb! cheers Pat
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