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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. That lot is going gto keep you busy for a while, but at the rate of progress you are already showing it will be quicker than I can complete my build Looking very good Paul. Now, you do realise that we will expect that the boats davits/falls will work don't you?
  2. Ah Piet, wouldn't be a scratch build without at least one 'goof' Luckily you found it now an not later when it would have created all sorts of issues for you. Enjoying watching your p[rogress. cheers Pat
  3. Hi Wefalk and Jan, @Jan, yep - I was at work and could not recall enough detail to say more @Wefalk, I have attached some photos of the vessel. Not great, but I hope enough to identify it? I can provide higher resolution if needed. cheers Pat
  4. Great job on the rigging Greg; she is looking really good. I agree on the kit blocks; I too am using the JB blocks (bought them before Chuck's products were available) - Both are a great improvement! cheers Pat
  5. Hi Wefalck, I am just back from my overseas jaunt and slowly getting back into the modelling side of things That is a very nice model you have created (you know we Aussies always understate? ). The paint finish you have created over resin is very realistic and the whole diarama fits together very well. During my travels we actually visited Volandam (and very much enjoyed it) where I came across a Dutch wood vessel that I may try to model at some time. If I remember, I will try to post a pic of it; you may be able to identify the type - but it had side vanes and single mast. I am very impressed with your "smithy" Some great fittings you have turned out. I have now cleaned up my jewellers lathe; just need to find a decent motor and buy a few accessories (that book you recommended is very good!) and hopefully, with some (read a LOT!) practice, I may be able to produce some metal parts to an acceptable standard cheers Pat
  6. pppilot, From what you have said, I am assuming that the underlying drawing will be just that a scanned profile etc of the ship. The easiest way I can think of trying various paint schemes would be to trace over the diagram or at least create 'closed' sections of the releant parts of the drawing. That way you can use any software, even MS Paint, to 'fill' the sections with your various options of colours. If you make the scanned image transparent, you can send the coloured sections to the back so you can see the detail over the colour sections. Your selected paint software may even allow you to set the various RGB variables to match some of the colours you have in mind. This way you don't need fancy software. Simply scan you image (assuming a black and white drawing/plan or the loke) in as a format that allows you to set the white as a transparent colour. So long as your paint software allows you to import that file format the rest is straight forward? cheers Pat
  7. Hi Danny, great work on those cannon mate; they look very good. I think you are using the same technique I tries (but to a higher level of finish). I found that after determining the length I made up all the breeching ropes in a jig off the model and seized the rope to the rings. I then glued the rings into the prepared holes in the bulwark walls. I found this much easier; is that your technique also? I note you are wrapping the rope around the cascabal rather than using a cut splice; I ended up reverting to a cut splice but I am modelling the year 1768, and found some advice as to the use of the splice rather than a wrap. What are your thoughts on this please? cheers Pat
  8. Coming along well Banksie; the sanded filled holes look quite good. cheers Pat
  9. Hi Banksie, I get them from Miniature Steam here in Melbourne; they are the Aussie agents. Try John Godfrey at: http://www.miniaturesteammodels.com/webcontent1.htm cheers Pat
  10. Hi Anja, just back from extended holidays and didn't see you wishes before this; many thanks. Great day relaxing in Paris with a show in the evening. cheers Pat
  11. Hi Ilhan, I have been absent from the forum while on extended holiday, so a little belated in passing my comments. That is some very neat and great looking rigging mate. I especialy like the the modified wooden peg clamps; must make a few for myself cheers Pat
  12. Some good progress there Capn. The capstan in particular came up well and has given me some ideas how to scratch my next one cheers Pat
  13. You're making great progress Augue and Syren is looking great; just like the lovely lay of the sea she would have been. cheers Pat
  14. She comig along very nicely Greg, not long now and she will be ready for display. cheers Pat
  15. Hi Bankie, Welcome to ever growing Endeavour Model Builders club Nice start you have made. There is some great advice buried away in some of the build logs and articles to be found on the site; any questions just yell mate - plenty of very helpful people abaord this fine lugger. cheers Pat
  16. Hi Danny, I have been absent for somer time on holiday and it has been a pleasure reading the updates to your impressive build. As others have said, those canon are the 'ants pants' and you have detailed them very nicely - great work. Does the manufacturer create these to a 'scale' (i.e. 1:48) or are they available in various sizes and you select that closest to scale? these are very nice castings and would love to get copies in 1:64 and/or 1:72 if he has them. cheers Pat
  17. Hi Mark, I have been absent from the forum for quite a while on holiday. I have just had the pleasure of reading your updates (and significant life events ); great progress at your usual high standards. cheers Pat
  18. Hi Gary, I am just returning from a longish holiday to find the impressive progress you have made. As many of our more distinguished commenters have stated; this is exemplary work mate and an absolytely delightful model. cheers Pat
  19. Hi Paul, I have been absent on holidays for some time, and have returned to see the marvellous progress you have made. You continue to impress with your amazing attention to detail and craftsmanship. A pleasure to read the updates. cheers Pat
  20. Hi Ed, thanks for the tip on the hatch framing; another day another thing learned This build log has been an absolute fountain of knowledge and tips/tricks for me - much appreciated. I am keen to get the next volume cheers Pat
  21. Hi Rowand, I haven't looked in for a bit but glad to have caught up; she is looking great. That will be a very nice model of her. cheers Pat
  22. Your Syren is coming along very nicely Augie; haven't looked in for a while but glad I revisited. I still haven't got past the completed skeleton (still nude and waiting to be dressed with planks ) cheers Pat
  23. John, that looks great - she is coming along very nicely - you will probably have her finished by the time I get back from my hols (go tomorrow for 4 weeks) - look forward to seeing her complete cheers Pat
  24. Hi Davec, I think you are on the right track. Druxey or another more knowledgable member may be able to provide more info. My understanding is that LH (Cable) was stronger and had less flexibility. As most standing rigging did not need much adjustment/working LH was perfect as it also lent strength to these important ropes. Where flexibility was needed, and to some degree less tensile strength, RH was the go. cheers Pat
  25. Great job Piet, that hull looks very good - I don't think you will need much bondo at all cheers Pat
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