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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Stunning work on those 'gold plated' ground tackle fittings Keith Miniature working versions and they have cleaned up beautifully. Do you give them a bath in 'pickle' or other solution to do this or simply polish with files and stone etc? cheers pat
  2. Hi all, in urgent need of advice and suggestions from our more experienced members WRT Sheet Bitts. 'HMCSS Victoria's' Contract (Specification) calls for Top sheet Bitts to all masts, then in a separate area calls for "Gallows, Cross pieces and Bitts". There are several questions here which I list below but first some background. Firstly, there no scantlings are provided. Secondly, the only upper deck photos shows the Mizen Bitts only, and this pair do not have cross pieces, or stub cross pieces. Thirdly please note these are for Top Sheet Falls/pendants. Lastly, the photo shows a set of 'horns' or 'thin ears at the top, rather than knightheads, which are used for belaying, and the fitting of a cleat to the inboard face of the Bitt. Also, each mast was fitted with a Spider band for belaying pins. Contemporary plans for the Arrow and Vigilant Class Gun Despatch Vessels (GDV) show cross pieces fitted to the Fore and Main mast Bitts and stand individual Bitts for the Mizen so I am assuming this will have been the fit for the 'Victoria' also as she is very much based on these types of vessel. From these plans I have ascertained the molded size of the Bitts will be 8 inches. Now the questions: 1. The plans for the GDVs have the fore and Main mast bitts fitted at significant inclination aft of the vertical; I am assuming to allow a more direct belay as the masts are inclined aft more than usual. Will this angle have carried on below deck or straightened to be more vertical. 2. Any ideas on how high these would be? The Bulwarks are only 2 ft 6 inches and the tops of these are about level with the them and the waists of the men. This would make them about 3 feet but this doesn't accord with other descriptions (though for earlier ships). 3. Would the riser timbers be 8 inch square? 4. Where would the Gallows been fitted as the wording implies they were part of the Bitts? Nothing in any imagery, she did not carry boats internally etc. Is there another meaning/definition for "Gallows" (as in Fife rails?)? cheers Pat
  3. Thanks very much Michael, stow that away as well. I had to look twice at the cabin paneling with the cushions in place; I thought it was the real 'McCoy' you were using as a reference, not your scale version. That is impressive! cheers Pat
  4. Hi All, I had the pleasure of seeing this model 'in the flesh' today , and photos do not do it justice - the paint work is very rich and the model, as a whole, is going to be a very fine example. Thanks for hosting me Steven. cheers Pat
  5. Beautiful joinery Michael, a master carpenter couldn't do better. Those screws look great; any chance of seeing the 'formula' or process you settled on? cheers Pat
  6. Slowly but surely she is taking form John, this will be nicely lined model. cheers Pat
  7. Hi again Steven, WRT your point about throwing the 'lot' over the side with a couple of men seems counter to the purpose if you get my meaning? If two men can lift the lot, then that amount of chain will not have added much weight to the anchor. However, a length of chain would assist in keeping the anchor rope lower down near the seabed thus providing a better 'lead' when setting / getting the anchor to bight? Sorry, just adding to the confusion cheers Pat
  8. Hi Eric, I know the feeling, I too am guilty of such processes - moving ahead without being fully focussed. I wish you well in your travels and I am sure you will be able to fix the 'boo boos'. cheers Pat
  9. There are 'rivet counters' (my preferred term) no matter what you do Michael ; the other benefit of vertical slots is that any moisture will drain better. cheers Pat
  10. Oh well, I tried More nice work; very effective faux-screws Michael - look the real thing! cheers Pat
  11. Very nice joinery Michael; the wood is an excellent choice. Now I have about a dozen doors in the house if you wouldn't mind cheers Pat
  12. Looooove those bollards - very nice executed Keith; the house guests must have inspired your work cheers Pat
  13. Hi Steven, reading "iron-throwing ropes" - could not another possibility be grapnels for throwing during boarding? cheers Pat
  14. Very nice panel work (joinery) Michael, and a very good explanation of how you achieved it. cheers Pat
  15. "Satisfied" is just a tad of an understatement! They are excellent examples of miniature engineering and look so real. Have an extra rum ration for your efforts What did you use for the miniature bolt heads in the plinths? Probably not much holding power but they look good and very much in scale. cheers Pat
  16. Hi Mikko, another welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. Nice looking model, plently of helpful folks here to assist should you need any advice. cheers Pat.
  17. A warm welcome from downunder; look forward to seeing your work. cheers Pat
  18. Thanks Steven, I will have a look around as there are a few down this away I will probably be up your way in the not too distant future and will give you a bell before hand. cheers Pat
  19. Very nice work michael, this will result in a authentic looking paneling. Will that card be prone to 'swelling' in the water environment? I am sure you have thought of that and will be interested to see how you seal it, particularly the edges. cheers Pat
  20. Thanks for the updates Tim, this is a very fine model and it is interesting reading how you research and approach the making of the various components - duplicate just allow usd to enjoy the detail and workmanship twice to remove them simply edit your post, and in the strip at the bottom showing the thumbnails of all your uploaded image files, simply click on the delete icon at the bottom of the thumbnail. cheers Pat
  21. The anchors look good Steven, that chain looks prety good too - would you mind advising the links per inch please? Also is the shop local or online? I am assuming local so a trip up your way may be in the offing. cheers Pat
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