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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Just back and catching up Carl, nice to see you have got those dockyard guys moving again. cheers Pat
  2. Very nice John, a great looking frame on which to plank. A very interesting subject to model. cheers Pat
  3. Superb detail and very appropriate for an owner selecting this type of design. Nice work Patrick. cheers Pat
  4. Looks really good Steven. WRT the iron braces, is the design based on something you have 'unearthed' in your research? If not, and probably too late, would a triangular horizontal gusset (on each iron strap), have added extra strength for the longitudinal and lateral forces experienced when ramming? cheers Pat
  5. That is a good stage of the build Pat as you rapidly see progress with the addition with each bit of detal. Looking good! cheers Pat
  6. Sorry cannot help with info / ID as this is outside my era of ship building knowledge - I hope someone can help you. That said, it has been nicely constructed. cheers Pat
  7. What a wonderful journey you have taken us on Ed; I have enjoyed every step of your progress, learning quite a lot as I tagged along. Your willingness to share your experiences and techniques is much appreciated. YA has turned out as another exemplar of what can be achieved in a ship model, especially at the scale of 1:72. cheers Pat
  8. Very nice work Dave, she is looking very 'grand' and as you say not much more to do. cheers Pat
  9. Alls well that ends well Steven, you were fortunate it was a clean break at the 'butt' join. Nice repair and as you say, an opportunity to 'finesse' the part. cheers Pat
  10. Some very nice detail there; a good balance of fine versus super detail at this scale. - looks great! cheers Pat
  11. Hi Jim, as Mark has suggested - a lighter coloured wood for the decks (to represent a holystoned deck). Selection may come down to the width of the planks (at scale) that you need if you are not milling your own wood. It will depend on what sizes (in the types of wood you are considering) are available from hobby suppliers if you are not happy with the kit wood. cheers Pat
  12. The detailing on this one is going to keep you busy mate; nice scratch work on the additional detail in the boat spaces. cheers Pat
  13. Looking good Steven; the wood tone and the shaping makes it look very much appropriate for such a vessel in this era. cheers Pat
  14. Can't wait to see this Keith; should look good. WRT to the subtle scupper port lids, I am sure you will have considers a very light touch etch (by scalpel or the like) - or a feint pencil line (4H or the like)? cheers Pat
  15. Hi Augustus, I must admit I stumbled on your build and so glad I did; very nice build you have going here. I especially like the 'tone' and 'variance' of the wood you are using. very clean and precise joinery - great job! cheers Pat
  16. Wow great work Steven - with this level of research and attention to detail your model will be worth serious academic consideration and display in a museum. All these contributions from other researchers/modellers is very interesting reading. cheers Pat
  17. I wonder myself - The Admiral has granted a 'leave pass' so I think I am treading on safe ground so far Thanks for the compliment. cheers Pat
  18. Very nice work on your furled sails and yards UV; she will look really grand with the rigging added. cheers Pat
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