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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Good luck on your journey!!! Bob M.
  2. Palmerit. The only silly, stupid question is the one you dont ask. Ask away, and you will see all the help you will receive. Vanguard Models are right there at the top of the list, great quality fantastic instruction . Good luck on your journey!! Bob M.
  3. Good luck on your journey !!! Bob M.
  4. #3 in the top row and # 7 in the bottom row. I use amber shellac on almost everything these days. Bob M.
  5. Good luck on your journey, Bob M.
  6. Stuka, Good luck on your journey!!! My vote would be The Sherbourne from Vanguard, best instructions I have seen. Plus all the help you need is here on the NRG/MSW. Bob M.
  7. Great looking sails Dave, sails make the ship come alive. Looking forward to seeing this ship finished . Bob M.
  8. @Bryan Woods thanks, you actually got me started with little people when you did that fantastic job on the Sea of Galilee boat, I laughed so much building that boat. Pile got me to build the capstan, I taped plastic to the matt because CA didn't stick to it. After it was all pressed together I made the top half.It looks good, just have to put the final coat of paint on it. But before I put that on I installed the gangway. I basically just tied it all off because the gangway will be off to the portside in it final place 🙃. @Gabek your figures are amazing, they actually look like they are pushing the capstan bars, wait till they are painted. Thank you my man. A little more work on the bow and I will be able to turn the boat on one way or the other, Pile says it my call . So a couple of holes to drill and a small fence to make then it's back to the railings. I can see years of modeling ahead of me Besides making a diorama for the King of the Mississippi I also got me a Duchess of Kingston to build. Plus then I will rig the Pegasus , so that's a lot of modeling. I better pick up the pace. I'll be so glad to get back to ratlines. Thanks for looking. Bob M.
  9. Shazam, Pile is ringing the bell and blowing the steam whistle he says, ,Congratulations as do I. very amazing work. !!!! Bob M.
  10. All the success in the world my friend, , I don't think my grin can get any bigger today, the Duchess of Kingston came to see me today. But I am sure you will be successful and the 43,370 odd memders here agree, and they are all watching. . Bob M.
  11. Keith if it goes South it's @Glen McGuireaka SIB fault . He's upset because I made Dimples look like a brahma bull instead of a Texas longhorn.lol I for one want to thank you for all your help and ideas, all though my Donkeys will look different the enjoyment will be the same. Again thanks for adding two years to my build lol. Can't wait to see it started, in for the long journey my friend. Bob M.
  12. Hello @rwiederrich, I think if you go to the first post you can edit. It to the right date. Hope this helps Bob M.
  13. Gnomer and I had a fun day today. I had a few peices cut up for the front hand rail, it took some time to figure out the puzzle of were they go, but Pile just keep pointing out where to put the next one. And soon had all that I had cut up all glued in place. There is 11 section on each side that I have to cut 35 mm, so 22 peices for above and below the rails, then on to the stren, but later. I want to finish a few parts at the front. Then the capstan and ramp, looks interesting 🤔. Pile was in the wheel house, he likes the paint job on the wheel, and was surprised when he found out that I painted the black handel's on the wheel after it was glued in lol. Pile says he can belive how eazy it steers, One finger and it spins right around. I didn't have the heart to tell him it is because they are not hooked up to the rudder yet. Lol. Now he wants the bell on so he can get my attention when needed. I put it on, but I think that might be a mistake because Pile will be ringing it all the time. All I can hear is Aretha Ward song " You can Ring My Bell " and he's off key. The build is going really good, and I don't see any problems to complete it. The info here on MSW, is enormous I have been studying rigging, while looking at pictures anyway lol. I have several books and although I don't understand most of it, I want to do better rigging, I still have my Pegasus to rig, it is a beautiful ship and I need to rig a lot better.and I order 😅 a ship. I have been here at MSW for 3 years on the 21st of this month, I have had a blast non stop. And have heard so much about Vanguard Models, that I wanted to build one before I am not able too. The First Mate said I can't buy anymore till I finished the ones I have.(when I first joined I bought 8 ships lol). BUT, because I got great news about my health, it would be OK. So I bought a Duchess of Kingston by Chris Watton of Vanguard Models. And am over the moon for the opportunity to build a Vanguard Model. It will be my next build. I plan to fully rig the Duchess serving, seizing, ratlines oh lovely ratlines. I can't wait, for a 70 year old man, the First Mate says I have been acting like a teenager. Yes I said who cares I am building a Vanguard Model. And when that ones done I am going to buy another. I thank everyone here for all the help, and teaching me how. Although I am a slow learner lol. Oh, I hear that bell 🔔 😳 🤣 got to go. Bob M. 😁 😀 😃 😊 🙂 😄 😁 😀 😃 😊 🙂 😄
  14. Scott, Good luck on your journey!!!! Bob M.
  15. This will be were the king of the Mississippi will be displayed , it will be docked , with the river behind it, passengers will be embarking and cattle will be going up a stock shut . there'll be a plexiglass at the front and the back ground will be a painted scenery . But first I have to finish the boat, soo back at'er I go. Well this might have been inspired by @Keith Blackpost on his Tennessee build, lol hope you don't mined Keith lol . There is a lot of work on the bow to do, so the boat will be facing this way for awhile. Hand rails, posts , flag pole it goes on and on so back to it. Thanks' for peeking. Bob M.
  16. One of MSW sponsors, Rope of Scale, I have never ordered from them but the reviews are outstanding. Hope this helps. Bob M.
  17. Glen that is so awesome, I told the Canadain longhorns to get ready. The master is about to pull off a great success.They got so excited that I got to get the figure with the shovel ready lol. All the success in the world my friend, no pressure but all of MSW is watching. Good luck my friend Bob n PGP. .
  18. I was so proud of myself that I bent the trim for this deck in on peice, glued it on it look great, but I forgot to glue the fence on first, off it came. It all went back together, and looks ok but some how I was a little short. But I just added a peice and it was fine.I moved on to the funnels, there done just not glued in. Today was play day, lol, I am trying to replicate some famous long horns. But the metal figures I got are not that great. I was disappointed. Like they say it hard to make a silk purse out of a sows ear Lol. But they have been approved lol. These were my first set of horns, Gnomer says they are way to big lol. So I shortend them up and painted them. Pile says they look good on the boat, now get back to the railings. Chop chop. I agree back to the hand rails. Later my friend's. Bob M.
  19. Awesome work my friend, you're going to have your paddle boat done before mine lol. Bob M.
  20. Hello Clive, you can try a hair dryer, sometimes when people put hot plates on a lacquer table top it makes it turn white. I have used a hair dryer for this a few times ,it works for me. Just don't hold the dryer in one spot for to long.. Try it , might work, nothing ventured nothing gained lol. Hope it works, Bob M. Ps Do not use a heat gun, it's to hot.
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