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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. IT'S " TIME " TO DONATE !! I just renewed to this wonderful organization , and really appreciate the administration and staff hard work that they do. Thank you. Just wished the exchange rate was better, lol, that made the First Mate roll her eyes. Dig deep my friends Bob M. Mary, don't send the sticker, donate the postage to NRG.
  2. Today I painted the shutters, and the doors and windows. I went with brown paint. So after that, I got to do some planking.. Pretty straight forward, line down the center and giv'er. I lost the single window I used for fitting, found it after an hour searching. It was in bad shape, but I hammered it out and repainted it good to go. Checked the paint still tacky so build some more decks . Made it to the pilot house, everything lines up and she starting to look like the plan. This is what I am going to do for the doors and windows, Pile is behind the door holding up the clear plastic then blue paper..the camera doesn't show it but it looks like glass in the window, I like it. I put the deck on to see how dark it gets. Gnomer says hurry up running low on oil for my KB lantern. So I took him out of the boat , showed him the pictures I took, tried out several colors, green , a teak color and the blue. I like the blue. When you hold it on it looks great. So I am going with this. @Glen McGuire it is all part of the plan, my team never wins, lol cheering for the panthers lol. They are pulling me out of the shipyard lol talk soon my friend's, is this not the greatest hobby to have. And to have MSW here to back me up how can I go wrong 🙃 Bob M. P S waiting to watch the last NHL game of the season
  3. By all means start a log, you will start to met people and there is no shortage of knowledge and help from people here. You'll Sea. Good luck on your journey, Bob M.
  4. Today was a good day, I marked of my next deck started to cut up the planks. Pile is saying that should be enough, all cut straight with my little miter box and razor saw. But actually we were 3 planks short, but a good guess. So I just have to trim the deck edges and she will be good to go. We think we may have a plan for the windows and doors, we will see. But for now I just primed them, tomorrow I will paint them. Pile said I forgot about these two, after I cleaned my brush lol. So the plan is to paint doors and windows tomorrow, while the are drying , I will build another deck and plank it. Lol. This is turning out to be a fun build, I may build another paddle boat, I wonder if @Louie da fly is selling his paddle boat international yet lol. Thanks for looking, talk soon Bob M. PS going to watch the last NHL game of the year . Later. Lol 😆
  5. Today Pile looked over the plan. Two things jumped right out. One , the nail pattern by the blue dot is not on any of the decks that have a yellow dot. Yes I am going with the plan.. And two, sorry @Glen McGuire no tiny life boat anyway .I told Pile that we could make them, he said let's move on shall we. These grills have to go back to the paint shop for a final coat, but the brown color will do. Pile says make sure they go in straight. All the hole line up for the next deck so because I like planking so much I am going to do that next . So far the plank supply is holding up. But now I need to blackin some more edges. Now I have to mark out the next deck and giv'er. The Frist Mate may get involved with the windows and doors. I ran the idea of her sewing me up a bunch of curtains, and some covering for the door windows. As soon as she done laughing, I let you know lol.. Way to much fun for an old man to be having but I am only 14 lol 😆 😅. Thanks for looking, stay safe all my MSW / NRG family Uncle Bob M.
  6. Hey Glen , Private Gnomer Pile says he please to meet you, and don't worry your boat will be on the water before mine. He says he has to teach me everything all over again, but do it right this time lol. He tells me what the mind can conceive and belive can be done. So we have no doubt that the little boats will make it on board. Very nice work , amazing actually. Bob M.
  7. Well another 8 hrs shift in the old shipyard comes to an end lol. Most of the day was spent on cleaning up, And painting Private Gnomer Pile . He is holding a KB Lantern, so we can always see what we are doing even if it gets late at night. I painted him and showed him the boat. He says Whhy Hooolly we got work to do. And immediately pointed out that the shop needs cleaning up lol. Yes, I could see his point. So I cleaned it up. He's happy now, 😊. And we stared to plank the main room, got to the vents on both sides, and primed the vents so I can paint them tomorrow. Looking for some livestock for the stable, PGP says the horse has to go but the mule can stay, so I have my first animal ready to be painted. Maybe they will look better brown, if I don't like them ,vents, I will build some from left over grills I have collected over the past 3 years. Talk soon my friend's. Bob M. PGP
  8. Very nicely done, looking forward to seeing it completed. Good luck on your Journey. Bob M.
  9. To up date, Private Gnomer Pile (Newly appointed Ship Inspector). Has been primed and ready for speed paint 🎨. The sprial staircases are finished paint and ready to install. I must have lucked out on the staircases, I just have to shim them just a little to make them fit right. One post is a little short but it is an eazy fix I am happy about the fact they are close to being just glued right in. I also put on all the dowels to see if they line up, they do . It seem Artesania Latina have corrected all the mistakes, from all the other logs here that show slots that dont line up, dowel dont line up from one deck to another. Nothing like that, it all fits nicely. A big thanks to @Artesania Latina for fixing that, my only complaint is small but would add to the benefits of future builders is please add a part list that has the names of the parts, and a 1:1 scale diagram for the boat. I was very fortunate that @Bob Fraser sent e one, Thank you Bob. Now I can measure things for better accuracy. So with that, now I am takeing the dowels off, put the staircases away for safe keeping, and start planking the main room, and figure out what to do about the widow and doors for it. But first, Private Gnomer Pile needs a paint job, well he is drying going to do a clean up of the shipyard, I have not been feeling all that great so I have let cleaning thing up slide. To the point that I can't find thing I just had in my hand lol. So latter my friends work to do, and I was mistaken about the NHL game, apparently there will be one more.lol. Your greatful shipmate Bob M. Approved by PGP
  10. @Glen McGuire I guess I did. Meet Private Gnomer Pile. His favorite saying is "Why Holllllly ". I held auditions ànd he won. Taz was a close second, But as Gnomer pointed out he can't even go up the spiral staircases. Lol So Gnomer it is. I am going to paint him up with army speed paint. But first things first. A very special thanks to , @Bob Fraser for sending me this 1:1 scale plan for the King of the Mississippi. It is not quite the same as my boat but it will help lots with placing the posts and rigging lines, thank you so much Bob. Greatly appreciated. Thanks. Now I can measure things lol. Gnomer says I should finish the stairs, fit them, paint and then install them. But, I have not planked anything for days, going to need a refresher course from the article data base lol.And since I am bigger than Gnomer, planking it is. Have to take time off the build tonight, the last NHL game is on tonight. So see you tomorrow lol. Thanks for following. Bob M.
  11. Hello Olli, Slowing down is my biggest problem, I joined MSW 3 years ago , built 9 ships and one truck. If you want to lay planks like the pros, do what the pros do. Look at MSW article data base, the pros have an excellent instructions on how to plank. I study it often, don't quite have the hang for it ,but getting there lol , but the data base sure has help me. Good luck on your journey. Bob M .
  12. Well, I like ratlines. Ratlines mean masts and shrouds are on, when ratlines are finished you just got the sails to rig lol. It might be because you don't sing the ratline tune, 99 ratlines on the wall 99ratlines on the wall. Sing this and the time just Flys by lol. Bob M
  13. This is my chair, and much like my first truck, it's hard on tires, lol This could be because of the 275 plus pounds I slam into it everyday. I bought 5 wheels to replace them as needed ,down to three. This is my second chair in three years, if I buy one like I seen posted here, will I be able to model like the owner lol. Bob M.
  14. Not much building this weekend, but I did manage to paint the paddle wheel, I used a rattle can that I had left from another job.. But today I felt better, got the wheels done, black trim and the dots. The plan said to paint those gold, but I don't have any so I used flat brass, looks just as good. well the black was drying, I made the sprial staircases, well they were drying I painted the spots. Then I painted the side of the stairs white, I will have to wait till the paint is good and dry before I attempt to glue them on. Then I have to glue the wooden hand rail on the stair rail, tiny, tiny little holes, time for magnification glass.lol. I couldn't find the hand rail pieces so I gave up. I cut the planks for the paddle wheel and installed it on the boat. It went well, but I broke the peice of pewter metal that holds the drive arm on the wheel. To be consistent I broke both sides lol. I can fix them with a little filler and paint ,no one will know. So the paddle wheel is on, minor thouch ups, on to the stairs tomorrow 🤔 Thanks for looking, so far so good, looking at the doors and windows for the main hall room they look flimsy to me, we will see how it goes, I have to plank it first then we will see about the windows 🪟 and doors. Talk to you soon my friends Bob M.
  15. Good luck on your journey, will be following along. Bob M.
  16. The herringbone deck was fun to do. My little scrap pile is getting larger. It seemsed to take a lot of planks to get it finished, but it is. After the second deck was on, I fitted the next deck. It all lines up great so far. So now I have to decide which way to go, build the paddle wheel, or build the sprial staircases. Or maybe make all the doors and windows for the main cabin. So much to do, and it's all fun, so far lol. So, I guess I will prime the paddle wheel, and find all the pieces for the staircases. I will take them as far as I can then I will. do the windows and doors. I do not plan on motorizing the boat nor will I put any led lights either. But it will be on a river. This is how she sits tonight, a couple of things I may replace, but over all I am pleased with the build.. Got another round of procedures to do, plus several more Dr appointments so progress may slow a bit , I hope not, but time will tell. Thank you so much everyone for following along, and helping me learn to build ships. And boats lol , 😆 Stay safe my friends. Bob M.
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