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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Good luck on your journey Bob M.
  2. A little bit of progress. I made sure everything was pointed in the right direction and I began planking the stable. I soon ran out of the planks I had cut up, so I blackened some more with my 6B pencil. After the next batch was cut up and put on, I had 3 and a half left. Plus, I started a little scrap pile, the small peices that I will need later lol. The stable doors are built. I just have to hang them and put the handles on. The same with the boiler room doors; they are done, I just got to frame them up and glue them on. The feeders are done and put on , got the vents to do, plus the corners, but we are closing in on putting the next deck on. So far the build is turning out to be a lot of fun. My next challenge will be what color goes where and what stain, what gets painted that sort of thing. I believe I'm going to start calling this boat Two Phantoms. It turns out Mr Samuel Clemens changes his name to an old river boat term. When the crew would measure how deep the water was, they would yell out "mark twain" which means two phantoms or 12 feet. That's research for you. I never knew that. lol. So that's how he became Mark Twain. And here I thought he needed a pen name because Sammy is kinda sucky lol. Back to cutting up some planks for the next deck, right after I finish the corners. Thanks for looking. Bob M.
  3. DECK PLANKING (1).pdf Tony, I found this useful, hope it is for you as well. Bob M
  4. I am always amazed at the idea's you come up with. They are so fitting, this one is no exception. It's going to be another awesome display, good luck on your journey, the Texas background is very cool, Bob M.
  5. Hi Tony, the Amati Santa Maria was my first build, and had the time of my life building it. I would cut the tops off the bulkheads, like @robert952showed ,the ones that need to be cut on the main deck, then fit the sub deck. Then plank it. I planked the upper poop deck first the realized it didn't fit so I had to do some fixing. So in my opinion , I would glue in the sub deck, cut up your planks to length , long one short ones and do a two butt pattern . Hope this helps . Bob M.
  6. Very nicely done , great work. Make sure you put that beauty in a display case Bob M.
  7. Great job on painting the figures Keith. I just finished painting my first two figures for my Drakkar, look in my Mayflower log post #189, bottom of the post left hand corner. All thought they are Vikings for my Drakkar @Gabek has showen me how to use Army Speed paint. All the figures in the case were painted by him, he showed me how one afternoon, it took all of 15 minutes to explain how, I found them easy-to-use. Dont know if Army Speed Paint would be better than what you are doing now cause what you are doing now looks amazing. Just thought speed paint maybe better, I found it easy to use on my builds, might be worth the look. Bob M.
  8. Very nice picture in, at a glance, I can almost see myself in the reflection off the hull. Now you got me all reved up tu do my Scientific Bluenose, your hulls are just fabulous, but like you say all models are fun, and I am having lots of fun with my KOM, and looking at your ships, Spray on my Man!! Bob M.
  9. My condolences for your loss, very sorry for your loss. Your ship looks like your off to a great start,,checking in from time to time to see it all come together, Good luck on your journey. Bob M.
  10. Wow Kevin has Appolo ever gotten large,beautiful marking on him. And all puppies look good. Odin Minimoo will be a great addition to the home. All the best my friend. Bob M.
  11. Got back from Humboldt Saskatchewan great wedding, Good time was had by all. Today it was back at'er, lined off the main deck, and drew out the herringbone for the second deck. Then started to plank, first I had to blacken the edges then start cutting. I marked the nail holes, filled them with plastic wood , sanded then stained it with thin grey stain, followed by two coats of shellac . I also gave the hull a coat of amber shellac to darken it just a bit. Then I had to plank some more. . Going to start planking the rooms tomorrow , need to study the door plan a bit, I believe that I am going to change the corner molding to walnut, instead of the kit wood, only because I got lots lol. So now I will be planking for the next few days and buildig the doors, while listening to the Doors, lol 😆 It is so much fun being in the ship yard, there are not enough hours in a day, it's to bad we got to sleep lol. Later my friend's. Thanks for looking. Bob M.
  12. From one steam ship builder to another, good luck on your journey, going to follow along because your so talented. Bob M.
  13. Garry, this is the place to be, good luck on your journey, have as much fun as you can. Bob M.
  14. This is the place to be, all the help and info you will ever need is right here. Have as much fun as you can enjoy your journey. Bob M.
  15. Your work is always so impressive Bug, I certainly hope that my Pegasus will be similar, wishful thinking on my part lol But thank you for posting, great information on this build that will help when I restart the Pegasus again. Amazing work. Bob M.
  16. Thanks Keith, I have stain the hull it looks good. To me 😁 So far it seem every thing lines up, all the slots are in the right place so far. So Artesania Latina has fixed that problem . I decided to go as far as the second deck, it all fits, a bit of sanding , good to go. Stained the hull Golden Pecan, after staining it I added the tin to my ever growing collection. It looks a little browner than the box but I am going with this . So a bit of sealer Shellac, on to start planking and planking lol. Yes I check the staircases they are sprial, can't wait for that. The First Mate would like to start her garden, and we are off to a wedding in Saskatchewan, for a week trip so progress will slow. But I have told her that my Glue is going to be by its best use before date, I can't stop. Lol. She said buy a new one on the way to the wedding. The more I think about what it will look like, the more this kit is becoming enjoyable to do, I know the kit will look as good as the builder can make it. So far pleased with the kit. Later my friend's, I be lurking but not building lol 😂 🤣 Bob M.
  17. Dave I think line 10 and 27 are for controlling the yardarm. And 13 and 34 are for the bow lines. My Mayflower is rigged different, but the lines your talking about are tied on to the top of the block, on the mast then run to block at the yardarm and back though the one on the mast then down to a cleat on the mast. The same for the Bowlines. You did nice work on the mast tops , looking forward to seeing it finished. Hope that make sense. As far as how much to leave , we all rig different, I like to leave lots hanging over the side with clips to hold them till I am ready to tie everything of. Man I hope that's right lol Bob M
  18. Things are happening, lol. I have been moving things around in the shipyard and found out today I put the computer in the wrong place. This I found out when I spun around in my chair and over she went. On the floor and in peices. . A call to tec support and we were back, Two hours later yep over she gos again, this time the monitor wire now shorts out and I need a new one.. The kid says do you really need one. YES the plans for The King of the Mississippi are only available on line and the First Mate wont let me print the instructions lol. So glueing is coming along nicely. Once I started glueing and formulating what I want this boat to look like started to studying the logs, parts are not the same. My boat , got planked on the sides , other's have a peice put on then the planking gos on . Some logs have dark hulls other's light stain. I have discovered a few things that I will just have to decide which way to go, but over all, I think with all the logs and help I am getting here it going to be built. As you see here I used the kit supplied wood. I did start planking it with walnut, I had the back done, moving on to the sides I realized that I was going to have to make a lot of small strips and that's was not going to work. Quickly I removed the walnut, and measured the mahogany and same thing. But low and behold the kit supplied wood fit just like the picture does. I made the stand for the boat , and will use it more or less for a building stand. Pretty sure it will be on a river diorama, after all its a river boat. Moving on to more glueing the deck is up next. I am going to put the stables together, to see if I have to move the slots or has A L fixed that , we will see. Lol. I also have to check to see if my boat has sprail staircases or straight, I haven't looked that far into the box yet 😅. So this build will be my interpretation of the plans that I have, I can't wait to start glueing the siding on, and then more glueing of the next deck, I am starting to miss ratlines . But I am Grinning 😀. There is lots I don't understand, but sorting it out. Lots to do before that. Thanks for looking. Bob M
  19. @Bob Fraser thank you so much. These will help. The older kits have a reference # 20505 and the newer ones have #20515.. Last night I found 20515, so far I only see a few changes, one is they plank the side of the boat , not just one piece #12. My apologies for my little rant about the instructions, I just had to look harder for them, but between what Bob has sent me and what I have found, this will be a fun build.. 😄 I want to slow this build down if I can, the Drakkar Viking boat and the diorama took only 21 days. After studying the plans and finding the part list, and I also found 10 videos on this build by Artesania Latina, all 10 have no words just someone building it. I have started looking at logs here at MSW, I can see by alot of them that this will become a fun good looking model when I am done I hope. Above I have walnut on the bottom, mahogany pile is on the top, and kit supplied wood in the middle. My thought are to use the mahogany for the bottom, walnut for the sides and trim work later. And use the kit wood for the floor decking. I cant see using walnut were you wont see it.lol. So with all the enthusiasm I can mustard 😋, I am about to start glueing. Thanks for being patient with me lol. I hope to make it look just like the picture on the box. So with out any more hesation, let's start glueing. Bob M.
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