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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. SHIP WREAK. A question all newbies ask I am sure were did I go wrong. LOL . lol Did some more work on this ship and like most newbies should have looked at the forms here a lot longer. It is my ship and will look different than others I see here but the great job others have done here makes me not want show mine but what can you do lol [will take pictures of my mistakes and how I fixed them later lol] . Anyway have not decided how to second plank the hull but did some top work. made the decks and a set of stairs . I never cut the deck just fitted it the glued it in went well I think , now it looks like I will have to add some more I think I know a way to do that. Well get the other eye operation tomorrow so it will be a week before the hull planking begins. PS from now on will be following the forms a lot more closely ,especially those of LAPINAS and EMMET two very fine build logs with great ideals.
  2. Hi Just wanted to thank you for that link about planking. As I have done the first lay I leave it. But on the last layer I think I go with the link thanks so much.
  3. HI no I thought the kit was the way they did back then but now that I am done the first planking sorry I am not taking it off On my next ship I will do it right lol As far as he messages go I think I never enter an email address so no wonder no one replied lol or they are old post some weir from2020 and 2019.
  4. Thanks, It is double planked thank God LOL I will surley look at that page I have message several members but no reply but I am not sure how this message thing works thanks again
  5. HI All, If you thought I was going to wait six weeks before I started my Ship think again LOL yes I started and this is my first planking so I was bound to make mistakes. SO far I broke six planks, but getting the hang of it. Started at the Garboard on one side had some difficulty SO on the other side will stated mid ship .It going really well I use an iron and curve the planks lots of clamps , and like I heard here you got to do it to learn. Here is my ship yard and some pictures of what I have done so far. I know one thing for sure waiting till after eye opp. to do the second layer. It is so much fun building it will most likely to change my mined once rigging starts LOL Anyway that's my boat send you a picture when I am done the first planking layer. this is my ship yard
  6. working on getting all this set up got cataract surgery at the end of June right now cant see the little parts lol but starting in July
  7. Just join looking for help Starting a Santa Maria by Amati and found so many pictures and helpful pages looking forward to meet some of you Thanks.
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